Biodiversa+ regularly publishes guides, mappings, policy briefs and other written materials. Below you can access and freely download our publications.
This guide outlines key steps for establishing a national hub. It also addresses potential challenges and provides recommendations for effective management and governance.
This guide explores the fundamental concepts and approaches for biodiversity monitoring protocols, and provides recommendations on the most suitable approaches for harmonizing them.
Learn more on what is open science, the regulations in different countries related to open science, and how to draft data management plans for your research projects.
Learn more on ‘why’, ‘who’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ to engage stakeholders in research projects.
Learn more on what is policy relevance of research, how this aspect is evaluated in Biodiversa+ calls and what are the most relevant policies for your research projects.
Get an overview of what Citizen Science is and access to a list of the most relevant publications and most useful tools for Citizen Science.
Learn more on how to develop biodiversity scenarios (in particular participatory ones) and how they can be a tool in support of decision-making.
Mapping to assess the research landscape of transnational (and bi-regional) collaborations and guide priorities for research funders to reinforce the internationalisation of research in the biodiversity domain.
Mapping of research collaboration in the field of biodiversity and climate change developed in the context of its BiodivClim COFUND Action supporting research on “Biodiversity and climate change”
Biodiversa mapping of existing Biodiversity Research Infrastructures
An analysis of collaboration networks based on publications involving the European Research Area (ERA) and other world regions
Research on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe over 2005-2015
An analysis of collaboration networks based on publications involving ERA and LAC researchers (2003-2013)
This report presents the results of a systematic mapping of the outcomes of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) interventions, assessing their contributions to transformative change for the sustainable use and management of biodiversity in socio-ecological systems.
This report presents key results, findings and recommendations developed under Biodiversa+ in its two first years regarding development and harmonisation of transnational biodiversity monitoring schemes.
Drawing on recent initiatives and Biodiversa-funded projects, the report focuses on three pivotal processes that underpin the uptake of NbS knowledge into policy, practice, and decision-making.
The pilot examined and evaluated the current state of biodiversity monitoring governance, data management and interoperability, and data standards across participating countries and regions.
The pilot combines traditional morphological and DNA-based methods into a unified framework and develops standardised procedures for soil biodiversity assessment and reporting, in Europe and beyond.
This pilot is developing new methods to monitor invasive alien species, focusing on plants and insects. It uses image recognition techniques based on computer vision and deep learning.
A report examining the extent to which Biodiversa+ has integrated knowledge gaps identified by IPBES into its strategic planning, research calls, and research projects. It provides recommendations to improve uptake.
A document introducing the revised biodiversity monitoring priorities for the 2023–2025 cycle of Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership.
A report providing guidance and identifying the main knowledge gaps and research needs to be addressed as part of a whole-of-society approach to societal transformation for biodiversity.
A mapping of ministries and other organisations that fund and steer (sub)-national biodiversity monitoring schemes across the network of 23 countries.
A report on biodiversity’s contribution to addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges using actions that involve working with nature and are widely known under the umbrella term nature-based solutions (NBS).
A first overview of the European biodiversity monitoring governance landscape including both national and sub-national viewpoints as well as the outcomes of the EuropaBON project and its proposals for a BMCC.
A building block to supporting the harmonisation of biodiversity monitoring databases and the data interoperability across Europe.
A report on the perspectives from private actors (business, civili society and NGOs) on their user needs for biodiversity monitoring data.
An analysis of different possible strategies for an optimal harmonisation of protocols for transnational monitoring, mainly focusing on biodiversity monitoring information workflows and governance.
A report giving an overview of the main policies and initiatives related to biodiversity indicators across Europe and globally, and identifying the key areas for indicator work within Biodiversa+.
A report on the ways Biodiversa+ could support society to trigger transformative change for biodiversity
A report on biodiversity monitoring knowledge gaps and R&I priorities that could be addressed by the Biodiversa+ 2nd call and that could be useful for other biodiversity monitoring activities
Improved transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change for science and society
Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea
Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems
Biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health
Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context: the cases of soils and sediments, and land- river and sea-scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities)
Promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services
Pan-European call for research proposals on invasive species and biological invasions
Biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience
Biodiversity and ecosystem services and their valuation
Biodiversity: linking scientific advancement to policy and practice
- All topics
- Agriculture
- Biodiversity & health
- Climate change
- Conservation
- Ecosystem services
- Fisheries
- Forestry
- Marine
- Nature-based solution
- Protected areas
- Terrestrial
The Biodiversa+ Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
Main achievements for research on biodiversity, ecosystem services and Nature-based Solutions over 2008-2021
Projects completed over 2014 to 2018
BiodivERsA 2008 joint call on “Biodiversity: linking scientific advancement to policy and practice”
Reinforcing science-policy interfacing on biodiversity