As part of its strategy, Biodiversa+ is launching multi-annual flagship programmes. These flagship programmes address a particular biodiversity issue, aligned with the themes identified in the Biodiversa+ Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and encompass a portfolio of activities relevant to the issues tackled and across the different Biodiversa+ work streams.

Our Flagship Programmes
- Supporting protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem across land and sea (including the BiodivProtect Call, launched in 2021)
- Better transnational monitoring of biodiversity to better characterize, understand and report on biodiversity dynamics and trends (including the BiodivMon Call, launched in 2022)
- Better knowledge to develop, deploy and assess nature-based solutions (including the BiodivNBS Call, launched in 2023)
- Supporting societal transformation for the sustainable use and management of biodiversity (including the BiodivTransform Call, launched in 2024)
Through its flagship programmes, Biodiversa+ implements
a holistic set of activities related to:
Mapping and foresight
Reinforcement of the link between research and biodiversity monitoring/infrastructure
Biodiversa+ aims to enhance the efficiency and impact of its activities by creating synergies and cross-linkages between its flagship programmes. It ensures systemic efforts through collaborations and complementarity with existing initiatives, partnerships, and Horizon Europe’s calls.