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Biodiversa+ is supporting the deployment of novel technologies and approaches for biodiversity monitoring.

Building on work performed by EuropaBON, which identified critical needs for standardisation, data infrastructure, and reference databases, Biodiversa+ developed a roadmap for enhanced operationalisation across Europe. This roadmap aims to guide future Biodiversa+ work on novel biodiversity technologies and approaches, including the organisation of capacity-building events and potential mobility programmes.


To kick-start the development of the roadmap, Biodiversa+ convened an expert workshop in February 2023, bringing together fifty-four participants. The workshop began with experts outlining the opportunities and challenges associated with implementing novel technology for biodiversity monitoring. Participants were then divided into four groups to focus on the up-scaling and operationalisation of four methods and technologies: remote sensing, image-based approaches, acoustic sensors, and molecular methods.

Survey and Roadmap

In Spring 2024, Biodiversa+ surveyed its partners on the deployment of five technologies: bioacoustics, camera traps, eDNA/genomics, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV/drones), and sensor networks. The survey also evaluated the taxa and Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) targeted by these technologies.

The results highlighted significant variations in the deployment of these technologies. However, it showed that each method is fully deployed by at least one country or sub-national region, indicating that the necessary knowledge for improvement is available within the Partnership. The survey also underscored the need for sharing experiences and developing common standards, protocols, and tools to address technical challenges and reduce costs. Capacity-building webinars and workshops will be essential, and initiatives like eLTER and EBOCC can play pivotal roles in supporting ongoing development and standardisation.

Cover: D2.14 Roadmap to novel technologies