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BiodivERsA COFUND Call on
Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context: the cases of soils and sediments, and land- river and sea-scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities)
In this joint COFUND Call, BiodivERsA has chosen to support research for understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context. The call was co-funded by the European Commission and covered the two following independent themes:
- Theme #1: Understanding and managing the biodiversity dynamics of soils and sediments to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services
- Theme #2: Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics in land-, river- and sea-scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities) to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services
Based on the ranking list established by an independent evaluation panel, the Call Steering Committee – composed of BiodivERsA partners participating to the call – has recommended for funding the top 26 research projects for a total amount of over 33 million euro.
- BIO-TIDE – The role of microbial biodiversity in the functioning of marine tidal flat sediments. Participating countries: BE (coordinator: Koen Sabbe), CH, FR.
- BIOINVENT – Generic bio-inventory of functional soil microbial diversity in permanent grassland ecosystems across management and climate gradients. Participating countries: DE (coordinator: Franck Rasche), CH, PT, SE.
- CLIMARCTIC – Climate change impacts on Arctic soil and lake microbiomes. Participating countries: BE (coordinator: Elie Verleyen), NO, CH, ES, DE.
- DIGGING_DEEPER – Agro-ecosystem diversification: digging deeper. Participating countries: CH (coordinator: Marcel van der Heijden), DE, FR, ES, SE.
- REPEAT – REstoration and prognosis of PEAT formation in fens – linking diversity in plant functional traits to soil biological and biogeochemical processes. Participating countries: PL (coordinator: Wiktor Kotowski), RO, DE, NO, BE.
- SOILCLIM – Managing soil biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems across Europe under climate change. Participating countries: SE (coordinator: Klaus Birkhofer), ES, DE, CH, EE.
- SOILFOREUROPE – Predicting European forest soil biodiversity and its functioning under climate change. Participating countries: FR (coordinator: Stephan Hättenschwiler), BE, SE, DE.
- SOILMAN – Ecosystem services driven by the diversity of soil biota – understanding and management. Participating countries: DE (coordinator: Martin Potthof), FR, ES, SE, RO, EE.
- URBANMYCOSERVE – Understanding and Managing Urban Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Communities to Increase the Health and Ecosystem Service Provisioning of Urban Trees. Participating countries: BE (coordinator: Olivier Honnay), FR, PT.
- BEARCONNECT – Functional connectivity and ecological sustainability of European ecological networks – a case study with the brown bear. Participating countries: FR(coordinator: Wilfried Thuillier), DE, RO, PL, NO.
- BIOGEA – Testing BIOdiversity Gain of European Agriculture with CAP greening. Participating countries: DE (coordinator: Katrina Marsden), ES, BG.
- BIOVEINS – Connectivity of green and blue infrastructures: living veins for biodiverse and healthy cities. Participating countries: BE (coordinator: Roeland Samson), PT, FR, EE, PL, CH.
- CROSSLINK – Understanding cross-habitat linkages between blue and green infrastructure to optimize management of biodiversity, ecosystem services and multiple human uses. Participating countries: SE (coordinator: Brendan McKie), BE, DE, NO, RO.
- ENABLE – Enabling green-blue infrastructure in complex social-ecological regions – system solutions to wicked problems. Participating countries: SE (coordinator: Erik Andersson), DE, PL, NO, ES.
- FUNGREEN– Functional connectivity and green infrastructure. Participating countries: SE (coordinator: Sara Cousins), ES, BE, DE.
- GREENFUTUREFOREST – Scenarios for a sustainable future forest green infrastructure. Participating countries: SE (coordinator: Tord Snäll), DE, NO, CH.
- IMAGINE – Integrative Management of Green Infrastructures Multifunctionality, Ecosystem integrity and Ecosystem Services: From assessment to regulation in socio-ecological systems. Participating countries: FR (coordinator: Philip Roche), EE, BE, DE, NO.
- INFRAGECO – Inference, fragmentation, genomics and conservation. Participating countries: PT (coordinator: Lounes Chikhi), FR, DE.
- MARFOR – Functional Variability and Dynamics of Responses of Marine Forests to Global Change. Participating countries: PT (coordinator:: Ester Serrao), DE, FR, SE, ES.
- ODYSSEUS – Between Scylla and Charybdis – managing connectivity for freshwater fish. Participating countries: SE (Göran Englund), FR, NO, ES.
- OSCAR – Optimising the configuration of woody riparian buffer strips along rivers to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services. Participating countries: DE (coordinator: Daniel Hering), FR, NO.
- PERCEBES – Tools for the transition to spatial management of coastal resources: the stalked barnacle fishery in SW Europe. Participating countries: ES (coordinator: José Luis Acuña Fernández), FR, PT.
- RESERVEBENEFIT – Evaluating and managing connectivity in a network of Marine Protected Area to maintain genetic diversity and deliver fish beyond protected limits. Participating countries: FR (coordinator: Stéphanie Manel), DE, ES, SE.
- SPONFOREST – Unraveling the potential of SPONtaneous FORest ESTablishment for improving ecosystem functions and services in dynamic landscapes. Participating countries: FR (Coordinator: Arndt Hampe), ES, PT, DE.
- URBANGAÏA – Managing urban Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure to increase city resilience? Participating countries: PT (coordinator: António Dinis Ferreira), DE, LT, BE, ES.
- WOODNET – Connectivity patterns and processes along a gradient of European landscapes with woody vegetation and spatial heterogeneity. Participating countries: FR(coordinator: Jacques Baudry), ES, BE.
- Chair of the Committee: Cara Nelson
- Vice-Chair of the Committee: Judith Fisher
Scientific experts (21)
- Asa Aradóttir
- Susan Baker
- Patrick Bohlen
- Nana Bolashvili
- James Bullock
- Michael Brufford
- Sarah Clement
- Çiğdem Coşkun Hepcan
- Carsten Dormann
- Myra Finkelstein
- Simonetta Fraschetti
- Christopher Frissel
- Michael Fullen
- Jim Hallet
- Steven Handel
- Antonio Lo Porto
- Guillermo Luna Jorquera
- Matthew Potts
- Bill Slee
- Éric Wolanski
- Joy Zedler
Policy/management experts (17)
- Karma Bouazza
- Peter Cochrane
- Simon Gardner
- Floyd Homer
- Colin Hindmarch
- Katia Hueso Kortekaas
- Manuel Lago
- Fernando Magdaleno
- Vinod Mathur
- Angela Morgado
- Ivone Pereira
- Jan Plesnik
- Sunandan Tiwari
- Liette Vasseur
- Julia Da Silva Vilela
- Sanaa Zebakh
Scientific experts (17)
- Asa Aradóttir
- Susan Baker
- Patrick Bohlen
- Nana Bolashvili
- James Bullock
- Michael Brufford
- Carsten Dormann
- Myra Finkelstein
- Adriana Ford
- Simonetta Fraschetti
- Christopher Frissel
- Jim Hallet
- Steven Handel
- George Kowalchuk
- Guillermo Luna Jorquera
- Matthew Potts
- Bill Slee
Policy/management experts (15)
- Karma Bouazza
- Peter Cochrane
- Simon Gardner
- Floyd Homer
- Colin Hindmarch
- Katia Hueso Kortekaas
- Manuel Lago
- Fernando Magdaleno
- Vinod Mathur
- Angela MorgadoIvone Pereira
- Jan Plesnik
- Sunandan Tiwari
- Liette Vasseur
26 organisations from 22 countries (including Azores) will fund one or several research teams in this Joint Call.
Funding organisations |
Names |
Phone |
BELSPO | Aline van der Werf | aline.VANDERWERF@belspo.be | +32(0)223 83 671 |
FWO | Olivier Boehme Toon Monbaliu |
eranet@fwo.be | +32 2 550 15 45 +32 2 550 15 70 |
NSFB | Violeta Milkova | v.milkova@mon.bg | 35924443508 |
ETAG | Aare Ignat Margit Suuroja |
aare.ignat@etag.ee margit.suuroja@etag.ee |
+372 73 1 73 64 +372 73 1 73 61 |
ANR | Sophie Germann | sophie.germann@agencerecherche.fr | +33 1 80 48 83 56 |
ADECAL | Pablo Chavance | pablo.chavance@adecal.nc | +687 249077 |
Réunion Guadeloupe | Vanessa Weck | vanessa.weck@cr-guadeloupe.fr | +590590 60 4668 |
Région Guyane | Marc SAGNE Aïra REZAIRE |
marc.sagne@guyane-cr.fr aira.rezaire@cr-guyane.fr |
+594 288 009 +594 271 116 |
Région Réunion | Josiane IRISSIN-MANGATA | josiane.irissin-mangata@cr-reunion.fr | +262 262 97 58 52 |
DFG | Gaby Rerig | gaby.rerig@dfg.de | +49 (0) 228 885-2406 |
DLR | Cornelia Andersohn Rainer Sodtke |
Cornelia.Andersohn@dlr.de Rainer.Sodtke@dlr.de |
+49 228 3821-1973 +49 228 3821-1561 |
VM | Norbert Somogyi | somogyi.norbert@naik.hu | +36 28 526-220 |
RCL | Audrius Žvikas | audrius.zvikas@lmt.lt | +370 5 21 05 335 |
RCN | Per Backe-Hansen | pbh@rcn.no | +4722037303 |
NCN | Marcin Liana | marcin.liana@ncn.gov.pl | 0048 12 341 9161 |
FCT | Joana Pinheiro | joana.pinheiro@fct.pt | +351 213924381 |
FRCT | Gisela Nascimento | gisela.mc.nascimento@azores.gov.pt | +351 296 308 948 |
UEFISCDI | Adrian Asanica Luciana Bratu |
adrian.asanica@uefiscdi.ro luciana.bratu@uefiscdi.ro |
+40744450011 +40213071910 |
MINECO | Esteban Manrique Reol | dtma-bce@mineco.es | +34916038622 |
GOBCAN | Marimar Villagarcia | marimar.villagarcia@plocan.eu | +34 928134414 (429) |
FORMAS | Sandro Caruso | sandro.caruso@formas.se | +46 8 775 4064 |
SEPA | Per Sjögren-Gulve | Per.Sjogren-Gulve@naturvardsverket.se | +46106981446 |
SNSF | Veronique Planchamp | veronique.planchamp@snf.ch | +41 31 308 22 22 |
SNSF | Veronique Planchamp | veronique.planchamp@snf.ch | +41 31 308 22 22 |
MFAL | Turgut ORMAN Esin Dilbirligi |
torman@tagem.gov.tr edilbirligi@tagem.gov.tr |
+90 312 307 60 37 +90 312 307 60 32 |
The BiodivERsA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 642420.