“Shared goals and priorities for biodiversity monitoring within Biodiversa+”

One of the objectives of Biodiversa+ is to identify, refine and address priorities to better support research, society and policy needs.

This document introduces the revised biodiversity monitoring priorities for the 2023–2025 cycle of Biodiversa+. Priorities are topics that guide Biodiversa+ activities related to promotion and support of transnational biodiversity monitoring. From an initial number of eight, priorities have been extended to a total of twelve, including seven initial priorities continued from the previous cycle: “Protected Areas”, “Habitats”, “Marine Biodiversity”, “Invasive Alien Species”, “Soil Biodiversity”, “Insects”, and “Wildlife Diseases”. Five new priorities have been identified: “Urban Biodiversity”, “Bats”, “Genomics & Genetics”, “Wetlands”, and “Common Species”. Finally, the last priority from the initial cycle has been converted into a Special topic: “Transversal Activities”.

Modifications from the initial priorities, rationale for inclusion of new priorities, and other topics considered are also covered in this document. This set of priorities provides the guidelines for biodiversity monitoring activities of Biodiversa+ in the 2023–2025 cycle, and will be re-evaluated at the end of the cycle.

Report on shared goals and priorities for biodiversity monitoring