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What is the Biome?

The Biodiversa+ Biome is the greatest way to enter the active European biodiversity community and not miss any opportunity!


Join an open-ended group of active organisations, initiatives and individuals interested in Biodiversa+ purposes and work, that aim to share their interests and experiences with other similar stakeholders.

By joining the Biodiversa+ Biome, you will:


Receive at least twice a year an online synthetic overview of Biodiversa+ developments and achievements.


Receive specific opportunities based on your interests (e.g. workshops invitations, sharing of expertise, flagging of relevant outputs, etc.)


Take part in stimulating dialogues, initially by sharing news between Biome members, and possibly through other community aspects.

How does it work?

You simply need to register. You can indicate the topics on which you would like to receive information and/or opportunities based on your interest and expertise. You will automatically integrate the Biome.

There are no prerequisites to join the Biome: individual, organisation from academia or not, public or private initiative, active at local, national or international levels…

Twice a year, the Biome Insider, a synthetic overview, is sent to all members. This bulletin contains the progress made in the implementation of Biodiversa+, a calendar of upcoming activities and opportunities to engage in, and some selected news from Biome members.

As members of the Biome, you will also receive ad hoc opportunities throughout the year to get involved in Biodiversa+ activities, based on the interests you have shared with us.