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Refining priorities and needs for adequate coverage

One of the objectives of Biodiversa+ is to identify, refine and address priorities to better support research, society and policy needs. Priorities are topics that guide Biodiversa+ activities related to promotion and support of transnational biodiversity monitoring.

In 2023, priorities have been extended to include “Urban Biodiversity”, “Bats”, “Genomics & Genetics”, “Wetlands”, and “Common Species”. Finally, there is one additional special topic for “Transversal Activities”.

Brown long eared bat
Brown Long-Eared Bat, by Dave Fincham (CC BY-NC-SA)

Protected Areas


Marine Biodiversity

Invasive Alien Species

Soil Biodiversity


Wildlife Diseases

Urban Biodiversity


Genomic and Genetic Monitoring


Common Species

Transversal Activities

Report on shared goals and priorities for biodiversity monitoring

More information on these priorities is available in the report Shared goals and priorities for biodiversity monitoring within Biodiversa+.

Shared goals and priorities for biodiversity indicators in Biodiversa+

Go further with the report that gives an overview of the main policies and initiatives related to biodiversity indicators across Europe and globally, and shows the key areas for indicator work within Biodiversa+.