What do we aim at?

Biodiversa+ works to maximise the relevance, impact and visibility of European Research and Innovation (R&I) for biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use, both in Europe and globally. Our key objectives are to:

  • Promote R&I collaboration with countries located outside the European Research Area (ERA).
  • Strengthen connections between European R&I and IPBES.
  • Ensure that joint R&I programming is aligned with the global policy framework, particularly the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
  • Improve access to and utilisation of global biodiversity research infrastructures.
What are our actions in the field?

Promoting international research collaboration

Biodiversa+ performs mapping of research collaborations between the ERA and other world regions. This serves as a basis to further reinforce its R&I collaboration with non-ERA countries. Biodiversa+ also works towards an improved engagement of Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories, as well as with development aid donors/foundations to reinforce its global reach.

Engagement with Global Research Infrastructures

Biodiversa+ closely works with Global Research Infrastructures to promote the use of European and global research infrastructures and Earth Observation programmes by biodiversity scientists of the ERA.

Collaboration with IPBES, CBD and other Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs)

Biodiversa+ strives for its activities to be aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the upcoming post-2020 global biodiversity framework and the European Union’s global action for biodiversity. Biodiversa+ also seeks to reinforce its collaboration with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs).

Biodiversa+ is collaborating closely with the Intergovernmental Science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) around its four main functions:

  • Assessing knowledge: Biodiversa+ produces factsheets based on the results of its funded research projects to feed IPBES assessments
  • Knowledge generation: Biodiversa+, is hosting the IPBES’s Technical Support Unit on Knowledge and Data. This activity strengthens the mutual collaboration between IPBES and Biodiversa+ and facilitates the uptake of knowledge gaps identified by IPBES in Biodiversa+ R&I programming.
  • Policy support: Biodiversa+ supports the development and use of guidance documents and tools for decision-making (e.g. practical guidance for the use of biodiversity scenarios by decision makers) and contributes to the IPBES policy support web portal.
  • Capacity building: Biodiversa+ contributes to reinforcing the capacity of the research community to engage in IPBES processes and engage