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BiodivERsA/FACCE-JPI Pan-European call for international research proposals on
Promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services.

This call was launched in collaboration with FACCE JPI.

The European partners in the BiodivERsA/FACCE-JPI network have joined efforts to organize and fund a pan-European call for research projects on ”promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services”.

The call addressed the following themes:

  • T1: To what extent can biodiversity better support agro-ecosystems / agricultural production systems in terms of multi-functionality and outcomes in a global change context?
  • T2: Which policies and governance systems can promote the emergence and support of agro-ecosystems / agricultural production systems benefiting from and beneficial
Results of the call:

Based on the ranking list established by an independent evaluation panel, the Call Steering Committee – composed of BiodivERsA and FACCE partners participating to the call – has shortlisted the top 10 research projects.

10 projects were selected for €10.2 M among 10 countries

Funded projects
  • BASIL: Landscape-scale biodiversity and the balancing of provisioning, regulating and supporting ecosystem services. Participating countries: DE(coordinator: Jasmin Joshi), FR, ES, CH.
  • BEEHOPE: Honeybee Conservation centres in Western Europe: an innovative strategy using sustainable beekeeping to reduce honeybee decline. Participating countries: FR (coordinator: Lionel Garnery), PT, ES.
  • CP³: Civil-Public-Private-Partnerships and collaborative governance approaches for policy innovation to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services delivery in agricultural landscapes. Participating countries: DE (coordinator: Claudia Sattler), AT, NL.
  • Eco-serve: Sustainable provisioning of multiple ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes. Participating countries: NL (coordinator: Lijbert Brussaard), FR, CH, SE, PT, ES.
  • ECODEAL: Enhancing biodiversity-based ecosystem services to crops through optimized densities of green infrastructure in agricultural landscapes. Participating countries: SE (coordinator: Yann Clough), ES, FR, AT, DE, NL.
  • Ecofruit: Managing ecosystem services for fruit production in different European climates. Participatin countries: DE (coordinator: Alexandra Klein), ES, SE.
  • PromESSinG: Management concept for Central European vineyard ecosystems: Promoting ecosystem services in grapes. Participating countries: DE (coordinator: Ilona Leyer), FR, RO, AT, CH.
  • STACCATO: SusTaining AgriCultural ChAnge Through ecological engineering and Optimal use of natural resources. Participating countries: DE (coordinator: Josef Settele), NL, BG, SE, ES, RO, CH.
  • TALE: Towards multifunctional agricultural landscapes in Europe: Assessing and governing synergies between biodiversity and ecosystem services. Participating countries: DE (coordinator: Martin Volk), CH, AT, ES, NL.
  • VineDivers: Biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards: analysing interlinkages between plants, pollinators, soil biota and soil erosion across Europe. Participating countries: AT (coordinator: Johann Zaller), ES, RO, DE, FR. 
Evaluation Committee
Composition of the Scientific Evaluation sub-committee
  • Chair of the Committee: Bill Slee
Other members of the committee
  • Kestutis Armolaitis
  • Mihaela Begea
  • Virginijus Feiza
  • Leslie Firbank
  • Boyko Georgiev
  • José Luis Gonzalez Andujar
  • Louise Jackson
  • Mark Reed
  • Jean-Michel Salles
  • Saran Sohi
  • Jean-François Soussana
  • Ayfer Tan
  • Ulrike Tappeiner
Composition of the Societal Impact Evaluation sub-committee
  • Chair of the Committee: Simon Gardner
Other members of the committee
  • Claire Hubert
  • Katia Hueso
  • Devra I. Jarvis
  • Jozef Kiss
  • Manfred Klein
  • Mart Külvik
  • Erik Mathijs
  • Bulent Miran
  • Anders Branth Pedersen
  • Jan Plesnik
  • Jana Polakova
  • Petteri Vihervaara
Countries involved

14 countries participated in the 2013-2014 call ”Promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services”

The countries and agency that participated in this call are Austria (FWF), Bulgaria (BNSF), Cyprus (RPF), France (ANR), Germany (PT-DLR/BMBF), Lithuania (RCL), the Netherlands (NWO), Norway (RCN), Portugal (FCT), Romania (UEFISCDI), Spain (MINECO), Sweden (Formas), Switzerland (SNSF) and Turkey (MFAL).

The actual funding is 10 157 086 euros paid as follows:


Amount of funding

Austria 1 174 304
Bulgaria 105 100
Cyprus 0
France 1 604 606
Germany 2 815 594
Lithuania 0
The Netherlands 661 659
Norway 0
Portugal 246 176
Romania 370 000
Spain 863 907
Sweden 1 344 449
Switzerland 971 291
Turkey 0