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Joint BiodivERsA-Belmont Forum Call on
Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem services

This call was launched in collaboration with the Belmont Forum.
BiodivScen is co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme as an ERA-NET COFUND.
Together with the Belmont Forum, BiodivERsA launched a call to support research on scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services. This international call gathered 26 funding agencies from 23 countries and was co-funded by the European Commission.
The call covered the two following themes:
- Theme #1: Development and application of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services across spatial scales of relevance to multiple types of decisions
- Theme #2: Consideration of multiple dimensions of biodiversity and ecosystem services in biodiversity scenario.
Strictly following the ranking established by an independant Panel of Experts, the BiodivScen Group of Coordinators – composed of partners participating to the call – recommended for funding 21 research projects for a total of over 28 Million €.
- ACCES – De-icing of Arctic Coasts: Critical or new opportunities for marine biodiversity and Ecosystem Services? (NO, CA, DK, PL, US).
- AlienScenarios – Developing and applying scenarios of biological invasions for the 21st century (AT, CA, DE, ES, FR).
- ARCTIC-BIODIVER – Scenarios of freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem services in a changing Arctic (SE, CA, DK, NO, US).
- BioDiv-support – Scenario-based decision support for policy planning and adaptation to future changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services (SE, DE, ES, FI, FR).
- BIOESSHEALTH – Scenarios for biodiversity and ecosystem services acknowledging health (SE, AT, DE, FI, NO).
- BONDS – Balancing biOdiversity conservatioN with Development in Amazon wetlandS (FR, BR, DE, NO, UK, US).
- ENVISION – An inclusive approach to assessing integrative scenarios and visions for protected area management (SE, DE, ES, NL, US).
- FARMS 4 Biodiversity – Farmer-led Agroecological Research in Malawi using Scenarios for Biodiversity (US, CA, DE, NO).
- FATE – Future ArcTic Ecosystems (FATE): drivers of diversity and future scenarios from ethno-ecology, contemporary ecology and ancient DNA (DE, CA, FI, FR, NO, SE, US).
- Future BirdScenarios – Conservation policy in a changing world: integrating citizen science data from national monitoring schemes to model impacts of global change scenarios (NO, FI, SE, US).
- FutureWeb – Climate and land use change threat to the vertebrate European food web structure and functioning (FR, CH, DE, FI, IT, NL, US).
- GloBAM – Towards monitoring, understanding and forecasting global biomass flows of aerial migrants (CH, BE, FI, NL, US).
- InvasiBES – Understanding and managing the Impacts of INVASIve alien species on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (ES, CH, DE, FR, US).
- Land2Sea – Land to Sea: Integrated modelling of consequences of terrestrial activities and climate change for freshwater and coastal marine biodiversity and ecosystem services (IR, CA, DE, SE, US).
- LimnoScenES – Developing improved social-ecological scenarios for biodiversity and ecosystem service changes in north temperate freshwater ecosystems over the next half century (SE, CA, DE).
- OBServ – Open Library of Pollinator Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Scenarios (ES, AR, NL, US).
- REEF-FUTURES – The futures of reef services in the Anthropocene (FR, AU, CA, CH, DE, NL, NO, SE, UK, US).
- SALBES – Scenarios for Agricultural Landscapes’ Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (DE, AT, CH, EE).
- SECBIVIT – Scenarios for providing multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity in viticultural landscapes (AT, DE, ES, FR, NL, RO, US).
- SOMBEE – Scenarios of Marine Biodiversity and Evolution under Exploitation and climate change (FR, CA, CN, DE, ES, TR).
- WILD HEALTH – How does environmental biodiversity affect wildlife health? (FI, SE, US).
Countries | Funding organisations | Names | Phone | |
Argentina | MINCyT | Alejandra DAVIDZIUK Agustina BIANCA VELO Azul IRAZOQUI |
madavidziuk@mincyt.gob.ar avelo@mincyt.gob.ar lirazoqui@mincyt.gob.ar |
+54 11 4899 5000 (ext 4170) +54 11 4899 5000 (ext 4150) +54 11 4899 5000 (ext 4128) |
Austria | FWF | Iris FORTMANN | iris.fortmann@fwf.ac.at | +43/1-505 67 40-8211 |
Belgium | BELSPO | Aline van der Werf | aline.vanderwerf@belspo.be | +32 2 23 83 671 |
Belgium | FNRS | Joël Groeneveld | joel.groeneveld@frs-fnrs.be | +32 2 504 9270 |
Brazil – Sao Paulo | FAPESP | Alexandre ROCCATTO | chamada-bf-biodiversity@fapesp.br | n/a |
Bulgaria | BNSF | Milena ALEKSANDROVA | aleksandrova@mon.bg | +359 2282 02989 |
Canada | NSERC | Sylvie ROY | Sylvie.Roy@nserc‐crsng.gc.ca | +1 (613) 947‐5636 |
Canada – Quebec | FRQ | Laurence MARTIN GOSSELIN | Laurence.martingosselin@frq.gouv.qc.ca | +1 (418) 643-8560 |
Estonia | ETAG | Aare IGNAT | aare.ignat@etag.ee | +372 7317364 |
Finland | AKA | Harri HAUTALA | harri.hautala@aka.fi | +358 295 33 5019 |
France | ANR | Sophie GERMANN | sophie.germann@agencerecherche.fr | +33 1 80 48 83 56 |
France | GUA-REG | Vanessa WECK | vanessa.weck@cr-guadeloupe.fr | +590 60 46 68 |
Germany | DFG | Gaby Rerig | gaby.rerig@dfg.de | +49 228 885-2406 |
Germany | VDI/VDE-IT | Cristina KRAHL PEREZ | cristina.krahlperez@vdivde-it.de | +49 (0)228 39175-24 |
Ireland | Irish EPA | Alice WEMAERE | a.wemaere@epa.ie | +353 1 268 0146 |
Ivory Coast | PASRES | Yaya SANGARE | yayasangci@yahoo.fr | +225 40 37 71 16 |
Lithuania | RCL | Viktoras Mongirdas | viktoras.mongirdas@lmt.lt | +370 5 210 5335 |
Norway | RCN | Viktoras Mongirdas | viktoras.mongirdas@lmt.lt | +370 5 210 5335 |
Poland | NCN | Mari Susanne SOLEROD | mso@rcn.no | +47 95213880 |
Romania | UEFISCDI | Adrian ASANICA Luciana BRATU |
adrian.asanica@uefiscdi.ro luciana.bratu@uefiscdi.ro |
+40744 45 00 11 |
Slovakia | SAS | Zuzana PANISOVA | panisova@up.upsav.sk | +421 2 5751 0245 |
Spain | MINECO-AEI | Patricia VERA Esther CHÁCON |
era-medioambiente@aei.gob.es esther.chacon@aei.gob.es |
+34 916 037 752 +34 916 037 105 |
Sweden | FORMAS | Sandro CARUSO | sandro.caruso@formas.se | +46 8 775 4064 |
Switzerland | SNSF | Stéphanie Wyss Claudia Ellenrieder Madlen Korneli |
stephanie.wyss@snf.ch Claudia.ellenrieder@snf.ch madlen.korneli@snf.ch |
+41 31 308 22 68 +41 31 308 22 73 +41 31 308 24 47 |
The Netherlands | NWO | Martijn LOS | m.los@nwo.nl | +31 703440508 |
Turkey | TÜBITAK | Giray BULUT | giray.bulut@tubitak.gov.tr | +90 312 468 5300 / 1196 |
USA | NSF | Maria UHLE Judit Ungvari-Martin |
muhle@nsf.gov jungvari@nsf.gov |
n/a |
BiodivScen, the ERA-NET Cofund action on the development of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 776617.
The BiodivScen project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776617.