To date, Biodiversa+ gathers 83 partners from 41 countries. To ensure that the European Biodiversity Partnerhsip delivers on the planned objectives, Biodiversa+ uses a structure providing good governance and decision making by all partners, while allowing reinforced advisory processes and strong links with European Commission services. It relies on well-articulated bodies detailed below.
The coordination body, composed by three co-chairs, elected by the General Assembly.
The Operational Team ensures the operational implementation of the Biodiversa+ work plan.
The formal decision-making body for overall strategy and priorities of Biodiversa+, composed of representatives from the Biodiversa+ members.
The operational management body including the Chairs Team, the work package leaders and two members of the Biodiversa+ General Assembly elected for three and a half years.
The Steering Committee is composed of the Executive Board and European Commission representatives. It is the liaison group between Biodiversa+ and relevant European Commission services.
The advisory body, composed of both scientists and stakeholders. It ensures that a broad range of views from researchers and stakeholders are carefully accounted for.
Organised under 6 thematic colleges, representing broad stakeholder types to engage with. It is renewed every 3.5 years, through a public call for interest to which all relevant organisations are free to apply.