“Shared goals and priorities for biodiversity indicators within Biodiversa+”

Biodiversa+ aims to establish a transnational network of national biodiversity monitoring schemes. To reach this aim, collecting data that can be used to create indicators to efficiently inform policymakers and the public is of key importance. In this report, we present an overview of indicators used and the needs to develop indicators for the major European and global biodiversity goals and policies. Based on this overview and a survey to the Biodiversa+ partners, we propose the shared goals and priorities for indicator work within Biodiversa+.

We suggest that Biodiversa+ focus the biodiversity indicator work on questions related to habitats and ecosystems, as well as Invasive Alien Species (IAS). Indicator work on species should also be explored, especially species within the EU Habitats and Birds Directives. Indicator work related to global goals and targets in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are also highly prioritised.

The work should focus on development of guidelines and sharing of good practices. This includes continuous close contacts and collaboration with the European Environmental Agency (EEA), projects and groups as EuropaBON, EU Expert group on monitoring and assessment, and groups within CBD. The governance, including funding for the indicator work, is important to assure the continued development of indicators and exchange of good practices.

Shared goals and priorities for biodiversity indicators in Biodiversa+