“Biodiversa+ survey towards a roadmap on biodiversity monitoring novel technologies and approaches”

In line with its objective to support the creation of a pan-European network of harmonised biodiversity monitoring schemes, Biodiversa+ surveyed its partners on the deployment of five novel monitoring technologies: bioacoustics, camera traps, eDNA/genomics, UAV (drones), and sensor networks. The survey also evaluated the taxa and Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) targeted by these technologies.

To assess deployment levels, the NASA Technology Readiness Scale was adapted, focusing on actual deployment and interest levels. A total of 21 respondents from 18 countries participated in the survey.


The limited number of respondents makes it difficult to generalise results, but some patterns can be described.

  • The deployment of the five targeted technologies varies significantly. However, each method is fully deployed by at least one partner, indicating that the necessary knowledge for improvement is available within the Partnership.
  • There is a greater tendency to monitor species or community EBVs rather than ecosystem EBVs.
  • Sharing experiences and developing common standards, protocols, and tools could help overcome technical challenges and reduce costs. Capacity-building webinars and workshops will be essential.
  • Initiatives like eLTER and EBOCC can play crucial roles in supporting continuous development and standardisation.

By taxa


  • Most monitored EBV groups: Species populations and community composition, especially species distributions and abundances variables.
  • Least monitored EBV groups: Ecosystem structure and functioning.
  • None of the respondents appeared to be monitoring aspects of EBV genetic composition.
  • UAV/drones and bioacoustics were the most versatile technologies, monitoring nearly all EBVs, while sensor networks were the least used.
Cover: D2.14 Roadmap to novel technologies
Adapted NASA Technology Readiness Scale. Levels 4-6 fall under one category in NASA’s scale of deployment, while levels 1-3 were adapted in order to quantify the state of “no deployment”.
The state of deployment for Biodiversa+ partners (countries) across Europe for five novel technologies.
Sankey diagram displaying the number of challenges and constraints (left-hand side) faced by Biodiversa+ partners in the development and/or use of the novel technologies (right-hand side).
Percentage of respondents using bioacoustics to monitor the above taxa, with their level of deployment.
Percentage of respondents using bioacoustics to monitor the above EBVs. Colours represent grouped variables: species traits (yellow), species populations (red), ecosystem structure (purple), ecosystem functioning (blue), and community composition (green).
Percentage of respondents using camera traps to monitor the above taxa, with their level of deployment.
Percentage of respondents using camera traps to monitor the above EBVs. Colours represent grouped variables: species traits (yellow), species populations (red), ecosystem structure (purple), ecosystem functioning (blue), and community composition (green).
Percentage of respondents using UAV to monitor the above taxa, with their level of deployment.
Percentage of respondents using UAV to monitor the above EBVs. Colours represent grouped variables: species traits (yellow), species populations (red), ecosystem structure (purple), ecosystem functioning (blue), and community composition (green).
Percentage of respondents using eDNA to monitor the above taxa, with their level of deployment.
Percentage of respondents using eDNA to monitor the above EBVs. Colours represent grouped variables: species traits (yellow), species populations (red), ecosystem structure (purple), ecosystem functioning (blue), and community composition (green).
Percentage of respondents using sensor networks to monitor the above taxa, with their level of deployment.
Percentage of respondents using sensor networks to monitor the above EBVs. Colours represent grouped variables: species traits (yellow), species populations (red), ecosystem structure (purple), ecosystem functioning (blue), and community composition (green).