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Joint COFUND Call on
Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems

This call was launched in collaboration with Water JPI.
BiodivRestore is co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme as an ERA-NET COFUND.
In the context of its BiodivRestore COFUND Action, BiodivERsA and Water JPI launched in October 2020 a joint call to support research on “Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems”.
The call was co-funded by the European Commission and covered three non-exclusive themes:
- Studying the biological and biophysical processes at stake for conservation/restoration, and their interactions
- Assessing trade-offs and synergies between targets, benefits and policies for conservation and restoration
- Knowledge for improving the effectiveness and upscaling of conservation and restoration actions
This joint call included a focus on freshwater aquatic systems but all environments were eligible.
In total, 172 eligible pre-proposals and 92 full proposals were received and evaluated by an independent Evaluation Committee who ranked the projects.
Strictly following the ranking established by the Evaluation Committee, 22 research projects have been shortlisted and recommended for funding by the BiodivRestore Call Steering Committee – composed of all the funding organisations participating to the call representing a total funding amount of over 21.3 Mio€ (including funding from the European Commission).
The 22 shortlisted projects are academically excellent projects, mobilising a wide range of disciplines, engaging many relevant stakeholders, and addressing various pressing scientific and societal issues.
- BiNatUr – Bringing nature back – biodiversity friendly nature-based solutions in cities (FI, BE, DE, PL, PT)
- BIO-TRADE – Protecting Biodiversity through Regulating Trade and International Business (FI, CH, DK, SE)
- BIOCONSENT – Decision-making Support for Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Policy and Management in Europe: Trade-offs and Synergies at the Forest-Biodiversity-Climate-Water Nexus (DE, AT, BG, ES, FI, SE)
- BioReset – Biodiversity restoration and conservation of inland water ecosystems for environmental and human well-being (PT, ES, NO, SE)
- COAST – COnservation of mArine ecosystems around Santo AnTão, Cabo Verde: implications for policy and society (PT, DE, ES, FR, PT-Azores)
- COSAR – Context-dependence of the societal and ecological outcomes from river ecosystem restoration (FR, DE, NL, CH)
- DEEP REST – Conservation & restoration of deep-sea ecosystems in the context of deep-sea mining (FR, BE, DE, ES, IE, NL, NO, PT, PT-Azores)
- EMYS-R – A socio-ecological evaluation of wetlands restoration and reintroduction programs in favor of the emblematic European pond turtle and associated biodiversity: a pan-European approach (FR, DE, LV, PL)
- FishME – Social and ecological effects of Fish removal in Mountain Ecosystems (FR, AT, CH, ES, RO)
- ForestFisher – Priority areas for conservation and restoration of Amazonian forest-frugivorous fish interactions and associated fisheries (FR, BR, DE, PT, US)
- FRESHH – Farmer acceptable REstoration of Semi-natural Habitat to limit Herbicides (FR, AT, CZ, NL, SE)
- FreshRestore – Holistic evaluation and restoration measures of human impacts on freshwater ecosystems across biogeographical gradients (NO, DK, ES, FI, SE)
- InterRest – Interactive effects of local and landscape scale restoration of semi-natural grasslands and agricultural fields on species interactions and ecosystem functions in different social-ecological systems (DE, BE, EE, ES, NL, SE)
- MPA4sustainability – Enhancing the role of MPAs in restoring biodiversity while maintaining access to ecosystem services (DK, ES, FR, PT, SE)
- NARROW – NARRatives On restored Water (SE, CH, FI)
- NICHES – Nature’s Integration in Cities’ Hydrologies, Ecologies and Societies (DE, BG, ES, NL, UK, US)
- REMOVE_DISEASE – Conservation and restoration of degraded insular biodiversity: impacts of the removal of introduced mammals on the dynamics of infectious diseases in seabirds across islands of the Southern Ocean (FR, PT, SA, UK)
- RESPOND – Restoring and Managing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Temporary Pond Landscapes (BE, ES, MA, PL)
- RESTOLINK – Quantifying restoration success across biomes by linking biodiversity, multifunctionality and hydromorphological heterogeneity (DE, BR, ES, SE)
- RESTORESEAS – Marine Forests of animals, plants and algae: nature-based tools to protect and restore biodiversity (PT, AT, BE, BR, CZ, DE, ES, MA, NL, NO, PT-Azores, SE)
- ReVersal – Restoring peatlands of the nemoral zone under conditions of varying water supply and quality (DE, AT, NL, PL)
- Transloc – Translocations of flora and fauna for conservation and restoration: ecological, evolutionary, and socio-economic impacts at multiple scales (FR, BE, ES, CH, MA, PT, SE)
- Chair of the Committee: Cara Nelson
- Vice-Chair of the Committee: Judith Fisher*
Scientific experts (21)
- Asa Aradóttir
- Susan Baker*
- Patrick Bohlen
- Nana Bolashvili*
- James Bullock
- Michael Brufford
- Sarah Clement
- Çiğdem Coşkun Hepcan
- Carsten Dormann
- Myra Finkelstein
- Simonetta Fraschetti
- Christopher Frissel
- Michael Fullen
- Jim Hallet
- Steven Handel
- Antonio Lo Porto
- Guillermo Luna Jorquera
- Matthew Potts
- Bill Slee
- Éric Wolanski
- Joy Zedler
Policy/management experts (17)
- Karma Bouazza*
- Peter Cochrane
- Simon Gardner
- Floyd Homer*
- Colin Hindmarch
- Katia Hueso Kortekaas
- Manuel Lago
- Fernando Magdaleno
- Vinod Mathur*
- Angela Morgado
- Ivone Pereira Martins
- Jan Plesnik
- Sunandan Tiwari*
- Liette Vasseur
- Julia Da Silva Vilela
- Sanaa Zebakh
Scientific experts (17)
- Asa Aradóttir
- Susan Baker*
- Patrick Bohlen
- Nana Bolashvili*
- James Bullock
- Michael Brufford
- Carsten Dormann
- Myra Finkelstein
- Adriana Ford*
- Simonetta Fraschetti
- Christopher Frissel
- Jim Hallet
- Steven Handel
- George Kowalchuk*
- Guillermo Luna Jorquera
- Matthew Potts
- Bill Slee
Policy/management experts (15)
- Karma Bouazza*
- Peter Cochrane
- Simon Gardner
- Floyd Homer*
- Colin Hindmarch
- Katia Hueso Kortekaas
- Manuel Lago
- Fernando Magdaleno
- Vinod Mathur*
- Angela MorgadoIvone Pereira
- Jan Plesnik
- Sunandan Tiwari*
- Liette Vasseur
*Evaluation Committee members who are part of the BiodivRestore Follow-up Group in charge of monitoring the progress and success of the funded projects
26 organisations from 22 countries (including Azores) funded one or several research teams in this Joint Call.
General contact point for the follow-up of the funded projects: Céline Billière (ANR, France)
Country / Organisation |
Name |
Phone |
Austria / FWF | Iris Fortmann | iris.fortmann@fwf.ac.at | +43/1-505 67 40-8211 |
Belgium / BELSPO | Aline van der Werf | aline.vanderwerf@belspo.be | +32 2 23 83 671 |
Belgium / F.R.S.-FNRS | Joël Groeneveld | joel.groeneveld@frs-fnrs.be | +32 2 504 9270 |
Belgium / FWO | Toon Monbaliu | eranet@fwo.be | +32 (0)2 550 15 70 |
Brazil / CONFAP | Elisa Natola | biodivrestore.confap@gmail.com | n/a |
Bulgaria / BNSF | Milena Aleksandrova | aleksandrova@mon.bg | +359 884 171 363 |
Czech Republic / TACR | Michaela Kriklanova | michaela.kriklanova@tacr.cz | +420 234 611 630 |
Denmark / IFD | Martin Kyvsgaard | martin.kyvsgaard@innofond.dk | +45 61905081 |
Estonia / ETAg | Margit Suuroja | margit.suuroja@etag.ee | +372 731 7360 |
Finland / AKA | Harri Hautala | harri.hautala@aka.fi | +358 295 33 5019 |
France / ANR | Sophie Germann | sophie.germann@agencerecherche.fr | n/a |
DFG | Gaby Rerig Tanja Zdebel |
gaby.rerig@dfg.de tanja.zdebel@dfg.de |
+49 228 885-2406 +49 228 885-3105 |
Germany /VDI/VDE-IT | Rainer Schliep Anne Dwertmann |
rainer.schliep@vdivde-it.de anne.dwertmann@vdivde-it.de |
+49 30 310078-5896 +49 30 310078-427 |
Ireland / EPA | Alice Wemaere | a.wemaere@epa.ie | +353 1 268 0146 |
Latvia / VIAA | Maija Bundule, Uldis Berķis |
Maija.bundule@viaa.gov.lv Uldis.berkis@viaa.gov.lv |
+371 67785423 +371 67047865 +371 29472349 |
Morocco / MENFPESRS | Ahmed Hammouch Abdelouahid Ezzarfi Anas Chokairi Nihale El Azzouzi |
hammouch_a@yahoo.fr / ah.hammouch@gmail.com a.ezzarfi@yahoo.fr chokairi.anas@gmail.com elazzouzi.enssup@gmail.com |
05 37 21 76 49 06 72 21 03 27 05 37 21 76 53 / 06 72 21 03 57 06 08 79 61 05 |
Netherlands / LNV | Rob Hendriks Jelle Stronks |
r.j.j.hendriks@minlnv.nl j.stronks@minlnv.nl |
0031648132449 00310615367984 |
Norway / RCN | Mari Soleroed | mso@rcn.no | +47 952 13 880 |
Poland / NCN | Mateusz Sobczyk Anna Kotarba |
Mateusz.Sobczyk@ncn.gov.pl anna.kotarba@ncn.gov.pl |
n/a +48 12 341 9091 |
Portugal / FCT | Joana Pinheiro Rui Munhá |
joana.pinheiro@fct.pt rui.munha@fct.pt |
[+351] 213 911 567 [+351] 213 911 538 |
Portugal, Azores / FRCT | Gisela Nascimento Renato Pires |
Gisela.MC.Nascimento@azores.gov.pt Renato.HM.Pires@azores.gov.pt |
+351 296308948 +351 296308933 |
Romania / UEFISCDI | Adrian Asanica Luciana Bratu |
adrian.asanica@uefiscdi.ro luciana.bratu@uefiscdi.ro |
+40744.45.00.11 n/a |
South Africa / WRC | Tiyani Chauke | tiyanic@wrc.org.za | +27(0)12 761 9304 |
Spain / AEI | Patricia Vera Maja Kolar |
BiodivRestore.cs@aei.gob.es | n/a |
Sweden / SEPA | Neda Farahbakhshazad Hannah Östergård |
neda.farahba@naturvardsverket.se Hannah.ostergard@naturvardsverket.se |
n/a n/a |
Switzerland / SNSF | Stéphanie Wyss Claudia Ellenrieder Madlen Korneli |
stephanie.wyss@snf.ch Claudia.ellenrieder@snf.ch madlen.korneli@snf.ch |
+41 31 308 22 68 +41 31 308 22 73 +41 31 308 24 47 |
The BiodivRestore project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 101003777.