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2021-2022 Joint Call
Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea
In October 2021, Biodiversa+ launched its BiodivProtect call on “Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea”.
The call – aiming at supporting 3-years transnational research projects – was co-funded by the European Commission and addressed the three (non-exclusive) themes below:
- Knowledge for identifying priority conservation areas, establishing effective and resilient ecological networks, enhancing species-based protection and preserving genetic diversity
- Multiple benefits and costs of biodiversity and ecosystem protection: synergies and trade-offs
- Effective management and equitable governance to deliver bold conservation outcome
In total, 209 eligible pre-proposals and 106 full proposals were received and evaluated by an independent Evaluation Committee who ranked the projects.
Strictly following the ranking established by the independent Evaluation Committee, 36 research projects were funded by the Biodiversa+ Call Steering Committee – composed of all the funding organisations participating to the call – representing a total funding amount of over 44 Mio€ (including funding from the European Commission).
The 36 funded projects are academically excellent projects, mobilising a wide range of disciplines, engaging many relevant stakeholders, and addressing various pressing scientific and societal issues.
- ALPMEMA: ALPine Mountain Hay MEadows MAnagement: Best practices to maintain their Favorable Conservation Status against underuse under different property right regimes inside and outside protected areas (SE, AM, AT, DE, DK)
- ARCTIC FOX EUROPE: Identifying effective management strategies for enhancing trans-national metapopulation protection of the Arctic Fox in mainland Europe (NO, FI, SE)
- BECOME: Biospheres as Effective Conservation Measures (NO, CA, CL, FR, PT, SE, ZA)
- BIO-JUST: BIOdiversity and ecosystem protection driven by Environmental JUSTice (DE, BR, ES, FR, NL, PT)
- BridgingVALUES: “Just” conservation? Bridging values for equitable biodiversity governance (ES, BR, CH, DE, SE, ZA)
- Climate invasives: Minimizing the negative effects of climate change-induced spread of invasive alien species to marine protected areas (SE, DK, NO)
- ConservES: Living-lab approach to floral enrichment as a tool to conserve biodiversity and maximising ecosystem services in European agricultural landscapes (FR, BE, CZ, DE)
- DarCo: The vertical dimension of conservation: A cost-effective plan to incorporate subterranean ecosystems in post-2020 biodiversity and climate change agendas (IT, AT, BE, CH, DE, ES, FI, FR, PT (Azores), RO, SI)
- Detect2Protect: New approaches in determining the impacts of chemical pollution to protect the biodiversity of the Baltic Sea (FI, EE, IT, LT, LV, PL, SE)
- DiviN-P: Protecting plant diversity via stoichiometric nutrient networks across Europe (NL, BE, ES, IT)
- EUROPAM: European Spatial-Temporal Large Scale Sea Noise Management Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Megafauna (FR, IT, NO, PT (Azores))
- EUROSYNG: Promoting action on broad ocean challenges by delving into the past, present and future of European syngnathids (PT, DE, ES, FR, GR, IT, PT (Azores),SE)
- eWHALE: Combining environmental DNA sampling, whale watching and citizen science for stakeholder-driven marine biodiversity protection in the North-East Atlantic and the Mediterranean (AT, FR, IE, IS, IT, NO, PT (Azores))
- FORESCUE: Innovative approaches FOr RESCUE and management of algal forests in the Mediterranean Sea (IT, BE, ES, FR, GR, PT)
- FUNACTION: Aquatic FUNgal biodiversity: developing knowledge and strAtegies to inform ConservaTION priorities and measures (SE, CH, DE, EE, IT, PT, US)
- FuncNet: Improving the Functional Connectivity of Grassland Networks for Plant-Pollinator Interactions (EE, BE, CZ, DE, SE)
- G4B: Grasslands for biodiversity: supporting the protection of the biodiversity-rich grasslands and related management practices in the Alps and Carpathians (CH, DE, IT (Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen), PL, RO, SK, UA)
- GaP: Guiding expansion of protection under the EU Biodiversity Strategy: Threatened species and novel methods for Key Biodiversity Area identification (GR, DE, DK, ES, IT, UK)
- GreeNet: Grassland conservation across European landscapes protecting biodiversity and ecosystem services with ecological networks (AT, CH, DE, EE, IE, NO)
- INSPIRE: INtegrated Spatial PlannIng across REalms for biodiversity and human development in a context of change (ES, AT, CH, GR, IT, PT, UK)
- INTEGRADIV: Efficient conservation of Mediterranean forests: an integrative assessment of the drivers and vulnerability of multi-taxa, multi-facet and multi-scale biodiversity patterns (FR, DK, ES, GR, IT, NL)
- MicroEco: MicroEco Microbial Diversity, Ecosystem Services of the Soil Microbiome and Ecosystem Conservation (FI, BR, EE, ES, FR, IT, RS)
- MOVE: Movescapes, connectivity hotspots and eco-evolutionary dynamics: protecting the functional role of predatory coastal fishes (NO, ES, FR, PT)
- MUrFor: Managing sustainable sea urchin fishery and marine forest conservation (IT, DE, ES, FR)
- PAREUS: Providing Adaptive knowledge for Ratcheting up the EU Biodiversity strategy for Sustainable landscapes and protected areas (NO, FR, SK)
- PETRI-MED: Plankton biodiversity through remote sensing and omics in the Mediterranean Sea (ES, FR, IL, IT, SI)
- PrioritIce: Vanishing habitats: conservation priorities for glacier-related biodiversity threatened by climate change (IT, CH, FR, PL)
- ProPartS: Developing strategies for the protection of taxa consisting of interconnected sexual and parthenogenetic reproducing strains (DE, AT, ES, IT)
- RECONNECT: Reconciling fragmented and contested landscapes (SE, BE, DE, FI, FR, ZA)
- RecoSal: Recovering diversity in salmon populations and cultures of fishing: the subarctic River Teno basin as a confluence and a Living Lab (FI, NO, SE)
- RIPARIANET: Prioritising riparian ecotones to sustain and connect multiple biodiversity and functional components in river networks (DE, ES, IT, PT, SE)
- SPEAR: Scenarios for Protecting European Avian Redistributions (NO, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, NL, SE, UK)
- SponBIODIV: Marine sponge biodiversity from genes to ecosystems: delivering knowledge and tools for sustainable management and conservation (PT, BR, ES, FR, GR, NO, SE, ZA)
- TRANSNATURE: Transboundary governance models of biodiversity protection: case studies for an enhanced protection of natural resources in Europe (IT (Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen), BE, ES, FI)
- TransWILD: Transformative wildlife management to enhance biodiversity protection and ecosystem services provision in shared and protected multi-use landscapes across Europe (DE, BG, ES, IT, NO)
- Wolfness: Preserving the natural heritage of wolves: a multidisciplinary approach towards effective and socially acceptable management of wolf-dog hybridization across Europe (IT, DE, ES, PT, SE, SI, TR).
- Chair of the Committee: Kathy MacKinnon
- Vice-Chair of the Committee: Judith Fisher
Scientific experts (23)
- Kofi Akamani
- Susan Baker
- Uta Berger
- Erika Berenguer
- Luigi Boitani (step 1 only)
- Dan Brockington
- Lena Gustafsson
- Stephen Hawkins
- Iryna Herzon
- Marc Hockings
- Valdo Kuusemets
- Hefin Jones
- Thomas Lacher
- Julia Leventon
- Ana Lillebø
- Richard Nichols
- Lina Mtwana Nordlund
- Nova Mieszkowska
- Piotr Nowicki
- Karen Richardson (step 1 only)
- John Robinson
- Andrew Tanentzap
- Stephen Woodley
Policy/management experts (22)
- Gemma Boetekees
- Karma Bouazza
- Peter Bridgewater
- Claire Brown
- Sue Collins
- Roberto Crosti
- Charly Facheux Tchoufong
- Adriana Ford
- Simon Gardner
- Ana Maria Hernandez Salgar
- Katia Hueso
- Lawrence Jones-Walter
- Manuel Lago
- Vinod Mathur
- Angela Morgado
- Monipher Musasa
- Valerie Nelson
- Nicholas Ozor
- Kent Redford (step 1 only)
- Sunandan Tiwari
- James Watson
- Alison Woodley
38 funding organisations from 28 countries (including Azores and Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen) fund one or several research teams in this joint Call; and in total, 45 funding organisations from 34 countries participated to this Call.
General contact point for the follow-up of the funded projects: Matěj Štěpánek (TA CR, Czech Republic)
Country |
Funding organisation |
Acronym |
Name |
Austria | Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung | FWF | Iris Fortmann | iris.fortmann@fwf.ac.at |
Belgium | Service Public Fédéral de Programmation Politique Scientifique | BELSPO | Aline van der Werf | aline.vanderwerf@belspo.be |
Belgium (Flanders) | Fonds Voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlaanderen | FWO | Toon Monbaliu | europe@fwo.be |
Belgium (Wallonia-Brussels) | Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique | F.R.S.-FNRS | Joël Groeneveld | joel.groeneveld@frs-fnrs.be |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian National Science Fund | BNSF | Milena Aleksandrova | aleksandrova@mon.bg |
Brazil | Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies | CONFAP | Elisa Natola | elisa.confap@gmail.com |
Brazil | Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development | CNPq | Dileine Amaral da Cunha | dileine.cunha@cnpq.br |
Czech Republic | Technology Agency of the Czech Republic | TA CR | Matej Stepanek | matej.stepanek@tacr.cz |
Denmark | Innovation Fund Denmark | IFD | Kathrine Hauge Madsen
Aila Lonka |
kathrine.hauge.madsen@innofond.dk |
Estonia | Sihtasutus Eesti Teadusagentuur | ETAg | Margit Suuroja | margit.suuroja@etag.ee |
Estonia | Estonian Ministry of the Environment | MoE_EE | Raili Allmäe | raili.allmae@envir.ee |
Estonia | Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs | MEM | Epp Eisler | epp.eisler@agri.ee |
Finland | Suomen Akatemia | AKA | Harri Hautala | harri.hautala@aka.fi |
Finland | Ministry of the Environment | MoE_FI | Tanja Suni | tanja.suni@ym.fi |
France | Agence Nationale de la Recherche | ANR | Sophie Germann | sophie.germann@agencerecherche.fr |
Germany | VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH on behalf of BMBF | VDI/VDE-IT (on behalf of BMBF) | Rainer Schliep | rainer.schliep@vdivde-it.de |
Germany | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. | DFG | Gaby Rerig | gaby.rerig@dfg.de |
Greece | General Secretariat for Research and Innovation | GSRI | Anna Rosenberg | a.rosenberg@gsrt.gr |
Hungary | Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal | NKFIH | Krisztina HOLLÓSI | krisztina.hollosi@nkfih.gov.hu |
Iceland | Icelandic Centre for Research | RANNIS | Aegir Thor Thorsson | aegir.t.thorsson@rannis.is |
Ireland | Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland | Irish EPA | Caroline Wynne
Darragh O’Neill |
C.Wynne@epa.ie |
Israel | Ministry of Environmental Protection | MoEP | Orna Matzner | orna@sviva.gov.il |
Italy | Ministry of Universities and Research | MUR | Yasmine Iollo | yasmine.iollo@est.mur.gov.it |
Italy | Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen | PROV.BZ | Laura Cherchi | Laura.Cherchi@provincia.bz.it |
Latvia | Latvian Council of Science | LCS | Maija Bundule | maija.bundule@lzp.gov.lv |
Lithuania | Lietuvos mokslo taryba | LMT | Viktoras Mongirdas | viktoras.mongirdas@lmt.lt |
Moldova | National Agency for Research and Development | NARD | Viorica Boaghi
Olga Davidenco Vadim Iatchevici |
viorica.boaghi@ancd.gov.md |
Morocco | Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research | MENFPESRS | Nihale EL AZZOUZI
elazzouzi.enssup@gmail.com |
Netherlands | Dutch Research Council | NWO | Ron Winkler | r.winkler@nwo.nl |
Norway | Research Council of Norway | RCN | Marit H. Heller | mhe@rcn.no |
Poland | Narodowe Centrum Nauki | NCN | Mateusz Sobczyk
Anna Kotarba |
mateusz.Sobczyk@ncn.gov.pl |
Portugal | Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | FCT | Joana Pinheiro
Pedro Ferreira |
joana.pinheiro@fct.pt |
Portugal – Azores | Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia | FRCT | Carolina Parelho
Renato Pires |
carolina.pf.parelho@azores.gov.pt |
Romania | Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării | UEFISCDI | Adrian Asanica
Luciana Bratu Andreea Popa |
adrian.asanica@uefiscdi.ro |
Slovakia | Slovak Academy of Sciences | SAS | Zuzana Panisová | panisova@up.upsav.sk |
Slovenia | Ministry of Education, Science and Sport | MIZS | Katja Ceglar | katja.ceglar@gov.si |
South Africa | Department of Science and Innovation | DSI | Tugela Matubatuba
Karabo Mphogo |
Tugela.matubatuba@dst.gov.za |
Spain | Fundación Biodiversidad | FB | Sandra Blázquez
Carmen Gutiérrez Javier Remiro |
biodiversa@fundacion-biodiversidad.es |
Spain | Agencia Estatal de Investigación | AEI | Patricia Vera Bravo
Esther Chacón |
era-medioambiente@aei.gob.es |
Sweden | The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning | Formas | Osman Tikansak | osman.tikansak@formas.se |
Switzerland | Swiss National Science Foundation | SNSF | Claudia Ellenrieder
Madlen Korneli |
claudia.ellenrieder@snf.ch |
Taiwan | National Science and Technology Council | NSTC | Ching-Mei, Tang | cmtom@nstc.gov.tw |
Tunisia | Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research | MHESR | Hayet Souai
Saida Rafrafi |
souaihayet@gmail.com |
Türkiye | Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry | TAGEM | Fatma SARSU
Aysun Mete |
fatma.sarsu@tarimorman.gov.tr |
Türkiye | Turkiye Bilimsel Ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu | TUBITAK | Yeliz TÜMBİLEN ÖZER | yeliz.ozer@tubitak.gov.tr |