What do we aim at?

Biodiversa+ aims to establish a transnational network of national biodiversity monitoring schemes addressing pre-defined priorities, tightly linked to the research and innovation ecosystem while efficiently informing the policy arena. Building on national/regional monitoring schemes and capacity building for setting up new schemes, this will contribute to improving monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services across all land and sea habitats in Europe (status and trends).


To reach this goal, Biodiversa+ joins forces with EuropaBON, our key collaborator, and other key bodies (EEA, GBIF, JRC) in delineating a strategic framework that defines a common vision (end-goal) for biodiversity monitoring across Europe, as well as the major steps, collaborations and governance options to reach it.

What are our actions in the field?

Biodiversa+ is working on six main areas:

Who is involved in our actions in the field?
Biodiversa+ biodiversity monitoring releases

Strategic biodiversity monitoring governance document (Phase 1)

Mapping of national and sub-national organisations that fund and steer biodiversity monitoring schemes

Report on biodiversity monitoring knowledge gaps, research & innovation priorities

Report on the harmonisation and interoperability of datasets across regions and countries

Report on the use of biodiversity monitoring data in private decision making

Report on shared goals and priorities for biodiversity monitoring

Report on shared goals and priorities for biodiversity monitoring within Biodiversa+

Literature survey on the harmonisation of biodiversity monitoring protocols

Guide on harmonising biodiversity monitoring

Guide on harmonising biodiversity monitoring protocols

Shared goals and priorities for biodiversity indicators in Biodiversa+

Shared goals and priorities for biodiversity indicators

IAS Pilot Midterm Report

Monitoring invasive alien species – Pilot midterm report

Soil Biodiversity Pilot Midterm Report

Soil biodiversity in protected, near-natural forests – Pilot midterm report

Governance Pilot Conclusions

Governance, data interoperability, and standards – Pilot report

D2.9 Phase II Report

Strategic biodiversity monitoring governance document (Phase II)

Cover: D2.14 Roadmap to novel technologies

Survey towards a roadmap on biodiversity monitoring novel technologies and approaches

Concept note on a methodological approach to define priorities for monitoring biodiversity

Concept note on a methodological approach to define priorities for monitoring biodiversity