“Biodiversa+ strategic biodiversity monitoring governance document (Phase II)”

The first two years of Biodiversa+ have provided key findings for harmonising and developing transnational biodiversity monitoring schemes across Europe. While significant challenges remain, our partnership has already identified key areas for improvement:

  • Tailored monitoring: Biodiversity monitoring must directly address the specific needs of its users. Understanding who relies on monitoring data and how they use it is essential for prioritising efforts and developing relevant indicators that work across local and global scales.
  • Collaboration is key: Common frameworks are essential for integrating existing data and emerging tools into policy decisions. Collaboration tools and capacity building efforts help ensure data quality, interoperability, and stakeholder engagement.
  • From data to decisions: To maximise the value of biodiversity monitoring, we need to streamline workflows from data collection to policy implementation. A federated approach involving experts, research infrastructures, and policy makers is essential.
  • Strong governance: Countries and sub-national regions should consider establishing biodiversity monitoring coordination centres or, at minimum, well-resourced focal points, to facilitate transnational cooperation. Biodiversa+ will work towards establishing these centres and developing a robust funding model.
  • Overcoming operational challenges: Developing transnational monitoring schemes presents unique logistical hurdles, such as sample transportation and analysis. Learning from existing schemes such as the Biodiversa+ monitoring pilots helps us address these bottlenecks effectively.

This work provides a solid foundation for Biodiversa+ to continue advancing transnational biodiversity monitoring in the coming years. Explore these insights further in the report!

D2.9 Phase II Report