“Report on the uptake of knowledge gaps identified in IPBES assessments by Biodiversa+ programmes and projects”

One of the main functions of IPBES is to strengthen the knowledge base on biodiversity and ecosystem services. It does this by identifying knowledge gaps and catalysing the production of new knowledge. IPBES also promotes the uptake of this knowledge by organisations involved in programming and funding biodiversity research.

Biodiversa+ and IPBES Knowledge Gaps

To assess the extent of IPBES knowledge gap uptake in Biodiversa+ programmes and projects, a systematic search of approximately 300 documents related to project proposals and research programming (2017-2023) was conducted. While some concrete examples of uptake were found, the overall uptake was limited. This may partly be attributed to the lack of clear guidelines for citing IPBES knowledge gaps, making it challenging to accurately track their usage.

Recommendations for enhancing uptake

To improve the monitoring and uptake of IPBES knowledge gaps, the following actions are recommended:

  • Identification: Assign a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to the knowledge gaps table in each assessment and encourage its citation.
  • Citation: Require explicit citation of the assessment report when referring to a knowledge gap. This should be clearly indicated in the title of the knowledge gaps table and on the front page of both the full report and the summary for policymakers.
  • Promotion: Actively promote the importance of proper citation through IPBES’s website, social media, presentations, and dialogues with programmers and funders.
  • Update: Maintain an updated list of knowledge gaps on the IPBES website

Encouraging uptake by programmers and funders

Programmers and funders can also play a crucial role in promoting IPBES knowledge gap uptake. By explicitly citing IPBES assessments and knowledge gaps in their calls for proposals, they can encourage applicants to reference these gaps in their submissions. Even if the focus of a call is not directly related to knowledge gaps, citing IPBES products can stimulate researchers’ interest and increase the likelihood of IPBES-related citations in proposals.

Future Updates

This report will be regularly updated to reflect the evolving landscape of Biodiversa+ programmes and projects and to incorporate more recent data on IPBES knowledge gap uptake. Stay tuned!

Report on the uptake of knowledge gaps identified in IPBES assessments