Kick-Off Meeting of the 2015-2016 funded projects

On the 4th of April 2017, BiodivERsA held the Kick-off meeting of the projects funded through the 2015-2016 COFUND Call BiodivERsA has selected 26 successful projects under the 2015-2016 COFUND call on « understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context » part of which are focusing on soil…


Give your feedback!

Feedback form on the Stakeholder Engagement Handbook The BiodivERsA Stakeholder Engagement Handbook was prepared by BiodivERsA partners following a consultative process, and published in 2014. Now that it has been in use for over a year, the BiodivERsA partners have prepared a feedback from for users of the Handbook to describe their experience with it,…


Results of the BiodivERsA 2015-2016 COFUND call

26 pan-European projects recommended for funding for over 33 Million euro In 2015, BiodivERsA launched a call together with the European Commission to support research for understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context. Supported by 24 BiodivERsA national/regional funding organisations from 15 countries,…


BiodivERsA Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda now available!

The BiodivERsA network is pleased to present its first Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda covering the 2017-2020 period! The BiodivERsA Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) sets out the strategic vision for the network over the 2017-2020 period, including broad research themes of biodiversity, ecosystem services and Nature-based Solutions to be addressed by the network over the…


Scottish ecosystems and land use research

Opportunities to join-up with research in Scotland The Scottish Government’s Ecosystem and Land Use Policy Exchange Group provides a forum for direct discussions between those managing and leading Scotland’s Strategic Research Programme (SRP) on biodiversity, land use, climate change, rural development and agriculture, and forestry and the policy customers within Scottish Government. The group wishes…


Trait combination patterns in reef fish communities across the world’s oceans

HIGHLIGHT OF THE REEF-FUTURES FUNDED PROJECT In the framework of BiodivScen, the 2017-2018 BiodivERsA – Belmont Forum Joint Action on Scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services, 21 research projects were selected for funding, based on their scientific excellence, their involvement of relevant stakeholders and their promising societal impact. The REEF-FUTURES project (see description here), funded…


New brochure available!

BiodivERsA is pleased to announce the publication of a new brochure, jointly developed with ALCUE-NET on “Mapping the collaboration between Europe and Latin America/Caribbean for research on biodiversity“ BiodivERsA and ALCUE-NET (the Latin America, Caribbean and European Union Network on Research and Innovation) have worked together to produce a mapping of the research collaboration between…


New paper available on the collaboration between the ERA and LAC for research on biodiversity and climate change

Joint publication between ALCUE-Net and BiodivERsA BiodivERsA and ALCUE-Net* are pleased to announce the publication of the paper : “Research on Biodiversity and Climate Change at a Distance: Collaboration Networks between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean”, by O. Dangles and co-authors (PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157441). This analysis results from a collaboration between BiodivERsA and ALCUE-Net and looks at…


Launch of the 2015 BiodivERsA call

BiodivERsA3 2015 Joint Call for International Research Proposals on: “Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context: the cases of (1) soils and sediments, and (2) land- river- and sea-scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities)” BiodivERsA is pleased to announce…


Report on the BiodivERsA clustering workshop now available!

Download the report on the outcomes of the BiodivERsA project clustering workshop on “Improving the Science Policy Interface of BiodivERsA funded projects” On 23-24 June 2015, BiodivERsA organised a project clustering workshop on the theme: “Improving the Science Policy Interface of BiodivERsA funded projects”, with the aim to provide a space for dialogue between policy…
