Highlights of the BiodivERsA-IPBES collaboration

Reinforcing science-policy interfacing on biodiversity Part of the European network of programmers and funders of research on biodiversity, ecosystem services and Nature-based Solutions, BiodivERsA partners develop and support major research programs and capacity building at the crossroads of science, policy and practice. Since the creation of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in…


The BUFFER project wins the 2nd BiodivERsA Prize for Excellence and Impact

Check out the animated film presenting their work here BiodivERsA is very excited to announce the release of its second animated video presenting the results of the BUFFER research project! The project was funded under the 2011-12 BiodivERsA joint call on “Biodiversity Dynamics: Developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience”. Following the URBES project (featured in a first…


BiodivScen Research & Innovation Workshop – 15-16 May 2019

The Research and Innovation Workshop, organised on May 15th and 16th, offered an opportunity for relevant projects from the 2017-2018 COFUND call on « scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services » to engage with new stakeholders from the private sector. The main goal was to support the development of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services that are useful for and usable…


New brief on policy tools to manage ecosystem services

A BiodivERsA policy brief based on the CONNECT, REGARDS, TALE and VITAL projects BiodivERsA is pleased to announce the publication of a new policy brief entitled “Policy tools to manage synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services”, based on the combined results of the CONNECT, REGARDS, TALE and VITAL projects. This 4-page brief introduces the notion of trade-offs…


BiodivERsA Citizen Science event 2-3 April 2019

On 2 and 3 April 2019, BiodivERsA co-organised a 2-days Citizen Science event – with the DITOs project and ECSA – at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. A specific BiodivERsA workshop was dedicated to increase scientist awareness of the importance and added value of citizen science, explore methodologies and adopted practices ongoing in Europe…


New publications available!

BiodivERsA is pleased to announce the publication of two new products: The brochure on BiodivERsA main achievements for research on biodiversity, ecosystem services and Nature-based Solutions over 2008-2018 Reading this brochure, you will learn more about the wide range of BiodivERsA activities, ranging from coordination and funding of research on biodiversity, ecosystem services and Nature-based…
