ECOCYCLES project study published in Science!

“Europe-wide dampening of population cycles in keystone herbivores“ Professor Xavier Lambin (University of Aberdeen), project leader of ECOCYCLES project, is the author of a scientific report published in Science magazine (Vol. 340 no. 6128 pp. 63-66, April 5). This project funded under BiodivERsA 2008 Call, brings together scientists from Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland…


Call for papers – Interdisciplinary Workshop

Perspectives on Forest Conservation – tackling the frontier between policy and conservation science – Freiburg, Germany, 19th 21th June 2013 The worshop will be conducted jointly by researchers from Wageningen University (NL), Stirling University (UK), the Austrian University of Life Sciences (Boku, Vienna), Technical Universities of Dresden and Munich, Germany, AgoParisTech-ENGREF (France, and the University…


Procurement of research knowledge transfer for BiodivERsA!

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) is leading a procurement of science-policy communication based on research syntheses from BiodivERsA projects. The task of the interpreter will be to produce summarized, synthesized and comprehensible information about BiodivERsA research results in the format of “policy briefs” for policy- and decision-makers. Tender documentation available HERE. Deadline for submission…


Procurement of research knowledge transfer for BiodivERsA!

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) is leading a procurement of science-policy communication based on research syntheses from BiodivERsA projects. The task of the interpreter will be to produce summarized, synthesized and comprehensible information about BiodivERsA research results in the format of “policy briefs” for policy- and decision-makers. Tender documentation available HERE. Deadline for submission…


Pre-Announcement of the 2012-2013 Call for Proposals

on “Invasive Species and Biological Invasions“ with a focus on alien invasive species Forthcoming BiodivERsA Pan-European call for research proposals on: “Invasive Species and Biological Invasions” Following the yearly update of their common agenda to support European biodiversity research, the BiodivERsA partners have decided to launch their fourth joint call for research proposals on “Invasive…


Results from the 2011-2012 call for proposals

9 projects to be funded for 8.5M Euros BiodivERsA launched in November 2011 its third joint call on “Biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience of ecosystems.” This call addressed a topic at the forefront of the biodiversity field, and was organised around the three following themes: Developing integrated biodiversity scenarios Understanding…


BiodivERsA newsletter 12 available!

& learn more about the procedures to apply to our call “Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity“ It includes the announcement of the BiodivERsA 2012-2013 joint call and you will also find interesting read on the scientific summaries of the 2011-2012 funded projects. In addition, this issue highlights two BiodivERsA members’ profiles:…


Stakeholder engagement workshop

One of the BiodivERsA partners, the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), is organising and hosting a 2-day workshop on stakeholder engagement for BiodivERsA funded projects’ researchers. The workshop is by invitation only, and will be held at the JNCC offices in the UK, on 23-24 April 2013. Using inputs from BiodivERsA partners, the JNCC prepared…


3rd European Conference on Conservation Biology (ECCB), Glasgow

BiodivERsA symposium at the 3rd European Conference on Conservation Biology (ECCB), Glasgow, August 28-September 1, 2012 August 28 to September 1, 2012, Glasgow (UK) hosted the 3rd European Conference on Conservation Biology marking the 10th anniversary of the formation of the Society of Conservation Biology (SCB-Europe).  The central  theme of the congress was “Conservation on the…
