Long-term planning is a risky business. No one can surely know what will happen many years from now. Still, some urgent decisions must be made, that will have great impact on the future. A handbook on the use of scenarios for biodiversity is now available.
BiodivERsA and Belmont Forum have, with good help from experts in the field, produced a handbook on the use of scenarios for biodiversity.
– The point of the book is to lower the threshold for those who need to know as much as possible about the future to make the right decisions. This handbook is meant for anyone interested to learn about biodiversity scenarios, participatory scenario design and the use of biodiversity scenarios in decision-making, says professor Xavier Le Roux, contributing author of the handbook and Coordinator of BiodivERsA.
The handbook presents different types of scenarios that can be used in decision-making. It contains knowledge-based advice on how to use scenarios, their key features, pitfalls, advice on how to communicate uncertainty, illustrative case-stories and lessons-learned. It also provides a solid inventory of resources for readers in need for more in-depth reading on the matter.
The main sources of the handbook are experts on scenarios for biodiversity and research projects funded through BiodivERsA-Belmont Forum call in the framework of BiodivERsA and Belmont Forum’s Joint Action on Scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services.