BiodivERsA Success Story!

BiodivERsA has been selected as one of the Commission's success stories! DG Research & Innovation has recently published an article explaining how the ERA-Net takes an active part in the protection and management of biodiversity across Europe and beyond. See the full article here: “Protecting and managing biodiversity – the foundation of life as we…


ALTER-Net recommendations available!

ALTER-Net conference “Science underpinning the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy“, Ghent (Belgium) 15-18 April 2013 The conference primarily focused on the objectives and targets of the EU’s 2020 Biodiversity Strategy, which should be realized by the end of the decade. Being a science-policy interface network, ALTER-Net wanted to help the EU in realizing these targets by…


Brochure on BiodivERsA Call 2011-2012 available!

BiodivERsA recently released a brochure on 2011-2012 Call “Biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience” available HERE In summary: The evaluation process, Analysis of the projects submitted, Presentations of the nine funded projects etc. On the occasion of the 2011-2012 Call Kick-off meeting scheduled on June 13, 14, back to back with…


New BiodivERsA report available!

“International and European Biodiversity policy and research strategies: an overview of priority research thematics for biodiversity research“ Part of BiodivERsA Task 2.3 activity led by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BelSPO), this report develops an analysis of EU and global biodiversity agendas and strategies for biodiversity, to identify knowledge gaps. Download the report (PDF) HERE!


BiodivERsA & IUCN, bridging science & policy

Following a procurement led by SEPA about science policy communication, IUCN European Union Representative Office was chosen to help translate the results of the projects funded by the network into a series of policy briefs targeted primarily to EU policy makers. BiodivERsA and IUCN are currently collaborating to produce the first three policy briefs. They…


ECOCYCLES project study published in Science!

“Europe-wide dampening of population cycles in keystone herbivores“ Professor Xavier Lambin (University of Aberdeen), project leader of ECOCYCLES project, is the author of a scientific report published in Science magazine (Vol. 340 no. 6128 pp. 63-66, April 5). This project funded under BiodivERsA 2008 Call, brings together scientists from Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland…


Call for papers – Interdisciplinary Workshop

Perspectives on Forest Conservation – tackling the frontier between policy and conservation science – Freiburg, Germany, 19th 21th June 2013 The worshop will be conducted jointly by researchers from Wageningen University (NL), Stirling University (UK), the Austrian University of Life Sciences (Boku, Vienna), Technical Universities of Dresden and Munich, Germany, AgoParisTech-ENGREF (France, and the University…


Procurement of research knowledge transfer for BiodivERsA!

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) is leading a procurement of science-policy communication based on research syntheses from BiodivERsA projects. The task of the interpreter will be to produce summarized, synthesized and comprehensible information about BiodivERsA research results in the format of “policy briefs” for policy- and decision-makers. Tender documentation available HERE. Deadline for submission…
