Kick-off meeting for the 2010-2011 projects

Stockholm, Sweden, May 31-June 1, 2012 BiodivERsA’s second joint call funded seven research projects of scientific excellence and policy relevance, on the topic of “biodiversity and ecosystem services and their valuation.”The kick-off meeting (May 31 and June 1, 2012, in Stockholm, SE) was the opportunity for a presentation and a short discussion of each projects,…


First Staff Exchange, March 14 and 15, 2012, Paris, France

BiodivERsA partner Violeta Milkova (Bulgarian National Science Fund, BNSF) organized the network’s first staff exchange. March 14 and 15, 2012, Paris, France BiodivERsA partner Violeta Milkova (Bulgarian National Science Fund, BNSF) organized the network’s first staff exchange. The goal of these meetings is to better integrate partners to the consortium, to get to know each…


“Biodiversity within the ‘Environment’ theme of the 7th framework programme” (2007-2010)

This FRB publication presents data to better understand the place of biodiversity research and interests within the European 7th Framework Programme. “Biodiversity within the ‘Environment’ theme of the 7th framework programme” (2007-2010); Funding amounts, success rates, temporal trends & comparisons between countries,” Matei S., Henckel L, Gauthier C.A. & Le Roux X, FRB report, 2011, 32 pp…


BiodivERsA Newsletter 10 (December 2011) available!

& learn more about the procedures to apply to our call “Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity“ This issue includes: An update on the BiodivERsA Call on ecosystem services results and the current Call on biodiversity dynamics as well as a focus on the common rolling agenda established last June. In addition,…


BMBF-Research Programme “Sustainable Land Management”

Global and regional change poses a major challenge for science, economy, policy and society as a whole… Addressing climate change, conflicts between food and energy supplies, biodiversity loss, demographic shifts and intensive land transformation requires innovative and regionally adaptive solutions. The research programme “Sustainable Land Management”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and…


RACE mapping project

Funded by the BiodivERsA call of 2008, the RACE project now has a well established and live mapping project for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, as well as a blog and several other features allowing Check it out here: For more information on the RACE project, click here. For more information on the BiodivERsA2008 call, click here.


Article on the VITAL project in International Innovation

VITAL: Ecosystem serVIce provision from coupled planT and microbiAL functional diversity in managed grasslands An interview of Dr. Sandra Lavorel, from the BiodivERsA-funded project VITAL, has been published in the International Innovation review, together with a 2 page article on the project. To access the .pdf version, pleae click here. To access the VITAL website,…


Launch of the BiodivERsA call 2011-2012

When 2011-11-01 00:00 to 2012-02-17 00:00 Location Secretariat of the Call – Estonian Science Foundation (ETF) Address Tallinn Estonia Biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points, and improve resilience For more information about BiodivErsA’s third joint call, please click here.
