BiodivERsA European Joint Call 2010

Recommended projects Follwing the evaluation of proposals and the meeting of the BiodivERsA Call Steering Committee, the project proposals below have been recommended for funding. The final funding decision will depend on the acceptance of these recommendations by the national funding agencies supporting this BiodivERsA call. ► APPEAL – Assessment and valuation of Pest suppression…


BiodivERsA’s 1st common agenda

To foster a coherent vision for the setting of priorities in biodiversity research, as well as to avoid wasteful overlaps in project content, BiodivERsA has established a common strategic agenda to support research. This agenda is built upon existing research and biodiversity strategies and priorities (at agency, national and international levels) allowing the identification of…


EASAC Report: Ecosystems services and biodiversity in Europe

April 2009 Abstract: The life support systems that are provided by the environment (ecosystem services) are undervalued by Europeans and must be protected by new legislation, EASAC writes in its new report published on 17 February 2009. The report identifies and assesses the essential and often irreplaceable benefits that Europeans get from their environment and shows…


Biodiversity loss in the Nordic Countries

March 2009 A report entitled, State of biodiversity in the Nordic countries: An assessment of progress towards achieving the target of halting biodiversity loss by 2010 was prepared by a group lead by Bo Normander of the Environmental Research Institute at Århus University. This report will be a basis for the Nordic Council’s Symposium on Biodiversity which…


EP Intergroup on Climate Change & Biodiversity

The European Parliament Intergroup on Sustainable Development has changed its name to become the EP Intergroup on Climate Change & Biodiversity. On February the 11th this intergroup hosted a high-level international conference on the EU Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) at the European Parliament in Brussels. 160 people attended from NGO’s, the European Parliament as well…


BiodivERsA 2nd phase Kick-off

When 2011-02-01 00:00 to 2011-02-02 00:00 Address Lisboa Portugal ► KoM Agenda Morning Session: ► Biodiversity in the international policy agenda, by Henrique Pereira ► Biodiversity research, by Pedro Beja ► BiodivERsA – Where we come from, where we’re going, by Xavier Le Roux ► View the BiodivERsA movie ► BiodivERsA Added value to the post-2010 biodiversity policy, by Anne Teller ► Value added by BiodivERsA…


Presentations from Final BiodivERsA (1st phase) conference

When 2010-03-10 Address Paris France On the 10th of March, 2010 BiodivERsA held BiodivERsA’s first phase Final Conference in Paris, France Presentations available below… BiodivERsA Opening – Xavier Le Roux pdf WP1 – Estelle Balian pdf WP2 – Isabel Sousa Pinto pdf WP3 – Coenraad Krijger pdf  WP4 – Julia Wilson pdf Joint Call – Flora Pelegrin pdf Presentation of funded…


First BiodivERsA project leaders workshop

When 2009-09-21 00:00 to 2009-09-22 00:00 Address Lisbon Portugal Presentations from the First BiodivERsA project leaders workshop, 21-22nd September 2009 now available Introduction Xavier Le Roux Policy Relevance Peter Bridgewater Stakeholder Engagement Peter Moll Conservation Science in Scotland Ron Macdonald Projects Climigrate Ian Barnes LinkTree Santiago Gonzalez Martinez CoForChange Sylvie Goulet-Fleury ECOCYCLES Thomas Cornulier FIREMAN Richard Bradshaw PEATBOG Nancy Dise RACE Matthew Fisher BeFoFu Georg Winkel BioMarks Christophe…


Conflict & Cooperation over Natural Resources in Dev Countries

May 2009 The Directorate General of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) are happy to inform you on the start of: CoCooN – Conflict and Cooperation over Natural Resources in Developing Countries: a Knowledge, Research and Innovation Programme By funding knowledge, research and innovation projects, CoCooN is going to support…


100 Questions to Conserve Global Biodiversity

Conservation experts from 24 world-leading organisations including the WWF, Conservation International and Birdlife International have identified one hundred key scientific questions that, if answered, would help conserve global biodiversity. Scientists say if the questions are answered swiftly, it could stem massive biodiversity loss. See 100 questions to conserve global biodiversity
