Topic of our fourth joint call is known!

Biodiversa+ is pleased to announce that our fourth joint call for research will be on Societal Transformation! This call will be embedded in our flagship program “Supporting societal transformation for the sustainable use and management of biodiversity” and will be co-funded by the European Commission.   Learn more about our flagship programmes.   More information about this call will be…


Topic of our next joint call is known!

Biodiversa+ is pleased to announce that our next joint call for research will be on Nature-based Solutions! Nature-based solutions are understood as ‘actions to protect, conserve, restore, sustainably use and manage natural or modified terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems, which address social, economic and environmental challenges effectively and adaptively, while simultaneously providing human well-being,…


BiodivProtect call – 36 projects funded!

In October 2021 Biodiversa+ has launched its BiodivProtect call on “Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea”. The call funds 3-year transnational research projects, and was co-funded by the European Commission. It addressed the following three (non-exclusive) themes: Knowledge for identifying priority conservation areas, establishing effective and resilient ecological networks, enhancing…


Biodiversity monitoring protocols across countries

One of Biodiversa+’s objectives is to harmonise biodiversity monitoring schemes across Europe. A key step to tackle this issue was to carry out a literature survey on existing transnational biodiversity monitoring programmes, to get an idea of what is being done and how. This study has analysed fourteen case studies. It shows the possible strategy…


NetworkNature NBS projects database is live

Biodiversa+ is pleased to have supported the development of the NetworkNature database of EU research and innovation projects on nature-based solutions. The database has identified over 250 NBS projects ranging from 2011 to 2021, among which 35 were (co)funded by Biodiversa. The database was used to perform an analysis of EU R&I projects in terms…
