Launch of the 1st Biodiversa+ Joint Call for research proposals

On the topic “Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea” The start of Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership marks the launch of the Biodiversa+ first Joint Call for transnational research projects on ‘Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea’. 45 Funding Organisations from 33 countries are joining…


Discover our mapping of existing Biodiversity Research Infrastructures

BiodivERsA is glad to present a Mapping of Biodiversity Research Infrastructures This mapping aims at helping both scientists and funders to have a better visibility on existing biodiversity research infrastructures in Europe (including in the Azores and Canary Islands). Our mapping synthesises existing research infrastructures for biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe, at the regional,…


When forest takes over

Seizing opportunities for cost-effective benefits in natural forest expansion Since 1950, Europe has experienced the greatest proportional gain in tree cover of all continents, expanding by some 300,000 km2, an area the size of Italy. This gain in forest cover is driven by active tree planting and through natural forest expansion, both mainly taking place…


Scenarios: a new tool for planning the future

A Handbook on the use of biodiversity scenarios is now available: lots of tools and good practices for using them in decision-making contexts Long-term planning is a risky business. No one can surely know what will happen many years from now. Still, some urgent decisions must be made, that will have great impact on the…
