BiodivERsA 2011-2012 Joint call now launched!

BiodivERsA Pan-European call for international research proposals on biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience The BiodivERsA “Pan-European call for international research proposals on biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience” has been published on the project website. Click here to access the call pages. Altogether, 10 countries have…


BiodivERsA Film

The BiodivERsA film is now here! The film highlights BiodivERsA’s objectives and achievements and showcases four of the projects funded by the BiodivERsA consortium : – Race : Risk Assessment of Chytridiomycosis to European amphibian biodiversity – LinkTree : Linking genetic variability with ecological responses to environmental changes: forest trees as model systems – Biomarks…


Lessons learned from the first call 2008

& learn more about the procedures to apply to our call “Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity“ Lessons learned from the first call 2008 Graham Tebb (formerly from FWF) together with the assistance of some of the other partners has compiled a list of recommendations to assist future calls. For further BiodivERsA…


BiodivERsA European Joint Call 2010

Recommended projects Follwing the evaluation of proposals and the meeting of the BiodivERsA Call Steering Committee, the project proposals below have been recommended for funding. The final funding decision will depend on the acceptance of these recommendations by the national funding agencies supporting this BiodivERsA call. ► APPEAL – Assessment and valuation of Pest suppression…


BiodivERsA’s 1st common agenda

To foster a coherent vision for the setting of priorities in biodiversity research, as well as to avoid wasteful overlaps in project content, BiodivERsA has established a common strategic agenda to support research. This agenda is built upon existing research and biodiversity strategies and priorities (at agency, national and international levels) allowing the identification of…
