Launch of the BiodivERsA database

The BiodivERsA partners are pleased to announce that the database is now accessible online (! One of the objectives of the BiodivERsA consortium is to produce a comprehensive ‘map’ of the current state of research on biodiversity and associated ecosystem services in Europe in terms of projects, programmes and funding, to improve the identification of…


A new BiodivERsA Policy Brief published!

Briefing “Natura 2000 and Europe’s forests“ now available! BiodivERsA partners are pleased to announce the publication of a new BiodivERsA policy briefs. The work, coordinated on behalf of BiodivERsA by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, has procured IUCN Europe – Brussels, to act as interpreters/intermediaries in the dissemination of key BiodivERsA-funded research results to policy-makers,…


New BiodivERsA Newsletter available!

In this Newsletter you will find further details on the joint call launched with FACCE-JPI in November. It also includes short summaries of the 2012-2013 funded projects and information on the launch of the BiodivERsA database. The newsletter also features an article about a meting hold in the European Parliament on the EU 2020 biodiversity…


BiodivERsA newsletter #13 available here

It includes the pre-announcement of the 2013-2014 joint call and you will also find further details on the 2012-2013 funded projects along with the updated BiodivERsA agenda, news about science-society and science-policy interfacing, and mapping work through the BiodivERsA database. The newsletter aslo features an article about BiodivERsA being identified as a success story by…


Pre-Announcement of the 2013-2014 Call for proposals

BiodivERsA/FACCE-JPI Pan-European call for international research proposals on : “Promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services” The BiodivERsA ERA-Net and the FACCE-JPI have decided to launch a joint call for research proposals on “Promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services”, planned to be launched in…


Kick-off meeting for 2011-2012 projects

2011-2012 Call “Biodiversity Dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience“ was highlighted on June 13 & 14 in Almeria (Spain) BiodivERsA’s third joint call funded nine research projects of scientific excellence and policy relevance for a total amount of 8.8M€. The call addressed the three following themes: 1/ Developing integrated biodiversity scenarios 2/…


BiodivERsA Success Story!

BiodivERsA has been selected as one of the Commission's success stories! DG Research & Innovation has recently published an article explaining how the ERA-Net takes an active part in the protection and management of biodiversity across Europe and beyond. See the full article here: “Protecting and managing biodiversity – the foundation of life as we…


Brochure on BiodivERsA Call 2011-2012 available!

BiodivERsA recently released a brochure on 2011-2012 Call “Biodiversity dynamics: developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience” available HERE In summary: The evaluation process, Analysis of the projects submitted, Presentations of the nine funded projects etc. On the occasion of the 2011-2012 Call Kick-off meeting scheduled on June 13, 14, back to back with…


New BiodivERsA report available!

“International and European Biodiversity policy and research strategies: an overview of priority research thematics for biodiversity research“ Part of BiodivERsA Task 2.3 activity led by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BelSPO), this report develops an analysis of EU and global biodiversity agendas and strategies for biodiversity, to identify knowledge gaps. Download the report (PDF) HERE!
