ENDS ISSUE 2429 – Thursday 15 November 2007 EU to draft “Stern report” for biodiversity
The European commission has called on stakeholders to submit information on the economics of biodiversity loss in preparation for a major independent report on biodiversity. The report was requested by environment ministers from the G8+5 countries in Potsdam earlier this year (EED 16/03/07).
The commission says the plan is to produce a “Stern report” for biodiversity, in reference to the analysis by British economist Nicholas Stern that has been credited with bolstering consensus for early and bold cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions.
The biodiversity report is intended to make the case for action now to stop biodiversity loss and to help develop cost-effective policy responses. Stakeholders have until the end of the year to submit their views.
* Meanwhile, an EU-led “business and biodiversity” conference held in Lisbon this week concluded that the public and private sectors are increasingly converging in realising the critical importance of biodiversity.