May 2009
The Directorate General of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) are happy to inform you on the start of:
CoCooN – Conflict and Cooperation over Natural Resources
in Developing Countries: a Knowledge, Research and Innovation Programme
By funding knowledge, research and innovation projects, CoCooN is going to support local initiatives from the South to partner with international scientists and non-scientists to look for contributions to evidence-based policy development, interventions and practices in the field of conflict and cooperation over natural resources, and to adequately manage, resolve and learn from conflicts.
Integrated Projects (IPs) are central to the programme. IPs direct activities related to knowledge sharing, research –both fast track and fundamental- and capacity development activities. Consortia composed of key stakeholders – with partners from the South and North and from inside and outside the scientific community – initiate and direct the IPs.
Please note that the programme is open for all nationalities. The only condition is that the geographical focus of the IP is rooted in – but not necessarily limited to – one or more partner countries of Dutch bilateral development cooperation and thus at least one partner in a consortium should be based in one of these countries.
The programme will start with an information meeting in the Netherlands in June, followed by a number of matchmaking meetings in various continents late summer. The aim of these meetings is to create, strengthen and extend potential and existing partnerships inside and outside science for building consortia. The means to enable attendance will be provided by the programme. A call for applications for travel & accommodation grants will follow soon.
We would appreciate if you circulate this message in your networks.
For further information, please contact Han van Dijk under