Biodiversa+, as part of NetworkNature, is facilitating the development of the EU R&I Roadmap for Nature-based solutions and is now opening a public consultation on its first draft until the 18th of September.
This Roadmap will bring forward key levers for research and innovation to help achieve EU goals for NBS development and deploymen. It will also further bridge knowledge needs and implementation gaps. Have a look at the NetworkNature’s searchabale database of NBS knowledge gaps database, that was developed under the lead of Biodiversa+.
The roadmap will also contribute to facilitating synergies and complementarities between the multiple on-going and planned European R&I activities on NBS. Its draft was co-constructed by many experts and actors, together with the European Commission DG R&I team on NBS.
You are now invited to share your view in the short consultation. The consultation process remains open until 30 September. Your input is vital as we seek to retrieve feedback from a wide spectrum of actors in the field of NBS.