In this context and along with the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, the “nature-based solutions” concept has been emerging, calling for renewed needs of knowledge and actions. The “nature-based solutions” concept refers to the use of nature in tackling challenges such as climate change, food security, water resources, disaster risk management, etc. By going beyond the threshold of traditional biodiversity conservation principles, this concept intends to additionally integrate societal factors such as poverty alleviation, socio-economic development and efficient governance principles.
As the concept of nature-based solutions is rising on the research policy agenda, the scientific community and national research funders should start examining it more closely to further explore how societies can avoid degrading their natural environment and the wealth of valuable benefits it provides. The BiodivERsA horizon scanning workshop provided an opportunity for BiodivERsA project scientists and BiodivERsA members to:
- Learn more about nature-based solutions through discussions with policy makers and a range of stakeholders (NGOs, businesses, practitioners, etc.)
- Assess to what extend nature-based solutions have already been addressed in BiodivERsA-funded research projects
- Discuss how these nature-based solutions could be further investigated in the field of interest of participants. Such an exercise could produce lists of potential research priorities that could be considered by BiodivERsA’s strategic agenda
- Further strengthen collaboration with other BiodivERsA-funded research projects.
The workshop was organized in two half days with a first session of framing presentations and panel discussions followed by a session of moderated round table discussions. It was a great opportunity to involve scientists and stakeholders in the research development process from the start (identifying gaps of knowledge), and initiated a regular consultation with the project researchers to ensure they can also contribute to the upstream discussions on emerging research issues. It further raised awareness on the importance of nature-based solutions for BiodivERsA’s future work.
The final report is now available: donwload the report
- Nature-based solutions for Horizon2020 challenges (Adrian Peres, DG-RTD) – no pdf available
- Pioneering nature-based solutions (Chantal van Ham, IUCN) – pdf
- Blue Solutions for marine and coastal biodiversity conservation (James Hardcastle, IUCN) – pdf
- Nature-based engineering & water services (Victor Beumer – Deltares) – pdf
- BiodivERsA past and future activities, and link with nature-based solutions (Xavier Le Roux, BiodivERsA project coordinator) – pdf
- Nature-based solutions in an urban context: how smart are smart cities? (Thomas Elmqvist, Stockholm Resilience Center, URBES project) – pdf