The European Commission has accepted to fund the network for another 5 years period in the form of an ERA-Net COFUND tool under the Horizon 2020 funding programme, which will secure BiodivERsA activities in a third phase (2015-2019).
Implemented under the 6th and the 7th Framework Programme for Research, BiodivERsA has supported research on biodiversity and ecosystem services and its coordination at the European scale since 2005. This project has launched 5 joint calls for research since 2010 for a total amount of more than 100 million euro (incl. 50 million euro of funding directly raised by BiodivERsA partners).
The third phase of BiodivERsA, which will begin in early 2015, will allow an expansion of the network. BiodivERsA3 will include 32 partners from 18 different counties. The network will thus count 11 new partners, including 7 from European overseas regions (from the former NetBiome ERA-net).
BiodivERsA3 will continue and deepen the activities that have been led by the network since its creation, in particular in terms of mapping of the European research landscape and funding of pan-European research projects. A major joint call for pan-European research projects should also be launched in 2015. National program alignment and young scientists schemes will be implemented. The science-society and science-policy interfaces as well as the dissemination of scientific knowledge to relevant stakeholders, including policy makers will also be at the heart of the BiodivERsA3 project.