BiodivERsA call 2012-2013: shortlisted projects

Preliminary results from the fourth BiodivERsA call on invasive species and biological invasions As part of BiodivERsA’s strategy to integrate biodiversity research in Europe, 12 BiodivERsA members launched a joint call on “Invasive species and biological invasions” in November 2012. This call addressed the following themes, across all ecosystems and organisms: Demonstrating and characterising the…

BiodivERsA Policy Briefs published!

Briefings #1 and #2 are now available! BiodivERsA partners are pleased to announce the publication of the first two BiodivERsA policy briefs. The work, coordinated on behalf of BiodivERsA by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, has procured IUCN Europe – Brussels, to act as interpreters/intermediaries in the dissemination of key BiodivERsA-funded research results to policy-makers,…

Release of the BiodivERsA Database

BiodivERsA database and analysis booklet now available One of the objectives of the BiodivERsA consortium is to produce a comprehensive ‘map’ of the current state of biodiversity research in Europe inorder to improve the identification of existing gaps and future needs for new research programmes, new facilities, as well as to detect potential barriers for…

Joint FACCE/BiodivERsA call now open!

Pan-European call for research projects on ”promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services” The European partners in the BiodivERsA/FACCE-JPI networks have joined efforts to organize and fund a pan-European call for research projects on ”promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services”. The partners have a…

React on the draft stakeholder engagement toolkit

The draft stakeholder engagement toolkit prepared in BiodivERsA is now available for consultation. Don't hesitate to send us your feedbacks! BiodivERsA aims to improve cooperation between scientists and stakeholders by establishing best practices for engagement (task 2.1); this is being achieved by developing a toolkit that will support research project teams to better plan and…

Launch of the BiodivERsA database

The BiodivERsA partners are pleased to announce that the database is now accessible online (! One of the objectives of the BiodivERsA consortium is to produce a comprehensive ‘map’ of the current state of research on biodiversity and associated ecosystem services in Europe in terms of projects, programmes and funding, to improve the identification of…

A new BiodivERsA Policy Brief published!

Briefing “Natura 2000 and Europe’s forests“ now available! BiodivERsA partners are pleased to announce the publication of a new BiodivERsA policy briefs. The work, coordinated on behalf of BiodivERsA by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, has procured IUCN Europe – Brussels, to act as interpreters/intermediaries in the dissemination of key BiodivERsA-funded research results to policy-makers,…