BiodivERsA is pleased to announce that the SalmoInvade project, funded under the 2012-13 joint call, has published a policy brief on the need to manage salmonid invasions in Europe.
SalmoInvade studied how the variable ecological conditions in Europe affect both the natural distribution of native salmonids and the current invasion potential of non-native salmonids, in addition to legislation, management practices and stakeholder perceptions that vary strongly between the different countries in which salmonids migrate naturally or artificially. The project implemented an integrated Pan-European approach needed to establish the knowledge base required for effective management of invasive salmonids in Europe.
Based on their results, SalmoInvade scentists argue for an adaptation in the international and local legislative frameworks to better respond to potential and effective salmonid invasions, as well as in local management practices to limit the risk of such invasions.