2013-09-24 00:00
Meeting the EU 2020 Biodiversity Targets: Mainstreaming Conservation
In the context of the conference of the European Parliament intergroup on ‘Climate change, biodiversity & sustainable development’, DG-RTD and IUCN are organising an event including 4 round table debates in the European Parliament (Brussels) on Tuesday 24th of September(09:00 – 18.30).
The aim of this conference is to present and discuss the contributions of various actors to the implementation if the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 and allow experience and knowledge sharing between policy-makers and stakeholders.
The conference will last a full day, divided into one high-level session in the morning, 4 sessions of 1.5 hours throughout the day, and a closing session in the afternoon presenting key conclusions of their working groups. The sessions will focus on restoration and the contribution of green infrastructure; linking biodiversity science and policy; the role of the private sector in biodiversity conservation; and the measures for biodiversity conservation in agricultural practices.
In his capacity as BiodivERsA2 Coordinator, Dr. Xavier Le Roux will be participating to the session 2 on “Linking biodiveristy science to policy-making”. The objective of this session is to discuss biodiversity knowledge transfer from science to practictioners, inform stakeholders and the general public about biodiversity-related issues and valorise the outcome of EU FP7 research projects.
Please click here to download the draft agenda of this event.