Call for Experts: BiodivRestore Knowledge Hub
Join the BiodivRestore Knowledge Hub and shape the future of restoration!
Join the BiodivRestore Knowledge Hub and shape the future of restoration!
Imagine a Europe where biodiversity monitoring flows seamlessly across borders, providing a clear picture of the continent’s ecological health… To achieve this goal, Biodiversa+ is promoting the establishment of coordination hubs at different levels…
EU-funded BiodivScen projects highlight critical pathways for biodiversity conservation and restoration in Europe…
Invasive alien species are one of the top five drivers of biodiversity loss worldwide. To prevent the future introduction and spread of these species, we need to improve cooperation across Europe…
Biodiversa+ aims to promote and support transnational biodiversity monitoring, by building a transnational network of harmonised biodiversity monitoring schemes on specific priority topics. Soil biodiversity is one of them…
2023 is coming to an end, and with it the second anniversary of Biodiversa+ as co-funded European Partnership. We are proud of what we have achieved so far and are grateful for the fantastic support of all Biodiversa+ Partners and collaborators. You will find below 10 key highlights from the past twelve months, together with a glimpse into what to expect for the coming year…
One of Biodiversa+’s major objectives is to improve biodiversity and ecosystem services monitoring in order to provide data for indicators that inform policy. That is why we are happy to present a first overview of major policies and work on biodiversity indicators within Europe and globally, with key priorities.
How are terrestrial protected areas evaluated for their effectiveness in conserving biodiversity? Biodiversa+ is seeking a subcontractor to conduct an evidence synthesis on the topic.
Join us to learn more about the 33 BiodivMon funded projects at the kick-off meeting, on 17 April 2024 (full day), in Tallinn, Estonia.
The event will be open to all online and upon invitation for physical participation.
In September 2022, Biodiversa+ launched its BiodivMon call, seeking proposals for 3-years research projects aimed at improving transnational monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem change…