2023-2024 Joint Call

“Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change”

The submission of full proposals is now closed.

The second step of the selection process, including the evaluation of the full proposals, is ongoing.

The projects shortlisted for possible funding will be announced in late September/early October 2024.

Scope of the call

This call aims at supporting research on biodiversity to gain a better understanding of the tipping points and trade-offs and underlying mechanisms affecting Nature-based Solutions (definition in box above, see also Eggermont et al. 2015), and their successful implementation with respect to the benefits for nature, human well-being and societal transformation.

To do so, it will support transnational, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral research projects (3-years duration) in all parts of the world addressing one or more of the three (non-exclusive) themes below:

  • THEME A: Synergies and trade-offs of Nature-Based Solutions in the context of human well-being
  • THEME B: Nature-Based Solutions mitigating anthropogenic drivers of biodiversity loss
  • THEME C: The contribution of Nature-Based Solutions for just transformative change

All realms (i.e. terrestrial, marine, coastal, and freshwater) will be eligible. 

Schematic scope of the call that is structured in three overlapping and non-mutually exclusive themes embedded in a biodiversity framework.

Transnational research consortia and eligibility

To be eligible, transnational research consortia must be composed of eligible research partners from minimum 3 different countries financially participating in the Call and requesting support from minimum 3 different Funding Organisations; including at least two different EU Member States or EU Associated Countries.


Note that not all EU Member States or Associated Countries financially participates in this call.


Proposals must be exclusively written in English.

Looking for a partner or a project to join?
Participating countries

41 Funding Organisations from 34 countries are joining this call and have reserved – together with the European Commission – a total amount of ca. 40M€. Each Research Partner involved in a proposal must comply with the eligibility criteria and rules of its national / regional funding organisations.


The full up-to-date list of participating funding organisation participating in this Call, their reserved budgets and their national / regional eligibility rules and participation modalities are available here.

Evaluation criteria

The research proposals will be evaluated by independent experts against the following criteria:

  • At step 1 (pre-proposal stage): Fit to the scope of the call, novelty of the research, and impact;
  • At step 2 (full proposal stage): (Scientific) Excellence, quality and efficiency of the implementation (of the project plan) and impact (covering expected societal impact which includes policy impact, and approach to stakeholder engagement).

Research projects will be expected to be transnational, inter- and transdisciplinary and mobilise as needed natural sciences, technical sciences, and social sciences and humanities.


For both steps, the transnational added value of a submitted project must be clearly presented.

Get ready now by consulting our guides including:
  • The Stakeholder Engagement Handbook for more information on stakeholder engagement in funded projects
  • The Guide on Policy Relevance of research and on effective science-policy interfacing in research proposals, including engagement of policy-stakeholders (note that this guide is currently being updated)
  • The Citizen Science Toolkit for more information on how to engage citizens in your research projects
  • The Data Management Guide for more information on how to write and develop your data management plan with a focus on making your data and publications as open as possible
Call schedule

A two-step application procedure will apply, with a mandatory submission of pre-proposals at the first step and submission of full proposals at the second step, via an Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS).

  • Launch of the call: Monday 11 September 2023
  • Deadline for pre-proposals submission (mandatory): Friday 10 November 2023, 15:00 CET (local time in Brussels)
  • Results of the evaluation of the first step: mid-February 2024
  • Deadline for full-proposals submission: Tuesday 09 April 2024, 15:00 CEST (local time in Brussels)
  • Recommendations for funding: late September 2024
  • Start of the projects: between 1 December 2024 and 1 April 2025
Important information and key documents

Make sure to consult the complete announcement of opportunities including all the following supporting documents:

  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Please note that each research partner in a project who is requesting funding under this call must comply with the eligibility criteria and rules of its national / regional funding organisation. For specific questions related to the budget, eligibility criteria and rules of your funding organisation, please contact your Funding Organisation Contact Point (FCP). All national / regional eligibility & funding rules and associated information including the Funding Organisation Contact Point are available here (document updated on 13 February 2024).

Be aware of all relevant European initiatives and choose wisely which one would be best suited for your projects: click here for more information

In September 2023, three European Partnerships under Horizon Europe are launching calls for research proposals on topics that are complementary. This text is a joint clarification from the three Partnerships regarding the contents of these calls. Duplication of funding for the same proposal is not allowed, so applicants must carefully choose the best fit for their proposals based on the scope of each call and their respective research priorities.


Note that this is a brief overview for comparison, all details are provided in the documentation for each call.



Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), Ecosystem Services (ES) and Transformative Change (TC) are interlinked concepts, which calls for a real exchange of knowledge between the projects funded through these calls. The Partnerships will therefore ensure sharing of key learning points and creation of synergies between the research projects that will be selected for funding, to enhance the overall impact of research and innovation activities that support a better protection of our ecosystems and thriving biodiversity and human well-being worldwide.


However, while complementary, the overarching aims of these calls differ.


The Biodiversa+ BiodivNBS call is open to research in all environments and realms (terrestrial, aquatic, marine, coastal, etc.). It will support transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research on biodiversity to gain a better understanding of the tipping points, trade-offs and socio-ecological mechanisms affecting NBS, as well as their successful implementation.


The Water4All call is focused on aquatic ecosystems. It will support research and innovation for a better understanding of the status of ecosystem services at varying spatial and temporal scales, underlying pressure factors and integration in the management of water resources.


The DUT call is focused on urban areas. It will support research and innovation that explores intentional planning and design approaches that integrate nature back into the existing building stock of our cities. Furthermore, DUT focuses on designing with nature, with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of urbanisation, restoring and regenerating urban ecosystems, and fostering urban liveability. Focus is not only on including nature in the (day-to-day) life of city inhabitants, relying on social qualities, but also an approach to urbanism that can provide a wide range of opportunities for cities and urban areas, to restore and mimic natural conditions, flows and movement

  • Contact Information for general questions regarding the call:
    Biodiversa+ Call Secretariat
    ANR, Agence Nationale de la Recherche


  • Contact Information for technical questions regarding the EPSS:Taavi Tiirik
    EPSS technical helpdesk
Information webinar