2022-11-08 09:00 to 2022-11-08 19:00
In-person: Herman Teirlinck building (Havenlaan 88, 1000 Brussels)
Virtual: Link accessible upon registration
In the context of the green week on the theme “Nature, our health, our wealth”, BiodivERsA organized with the European Commission a side event on 2 June 2015 on Nature-Based Solutions.
Nature-based solutions (NBS) refer to the sustainable management and use of nature for tackling societal challenges such as climate change, water and food security, public health provision, and disaster risk management. Building on, and complementing traditional biodiversity conservation and management strategies, this concept inherently integrates societal factors such as human well-being and poverty alleviation, socio-economic development, and efficient governance modes.
The European Research Area (ERA) is currently providing the evidence base for advancing scientific research on NBS and relevant knowledge for EU policy-making. BiodivERsA in particular is actively contributing to identify a common R&I agenda on biodiversity and ecosystem services, to develop the research community, and to foster the link with stakeholders.
Last year (11-12 June 2014), for example, BiodivERsA organised a horizon-scanning workshopto provide an opportunity for BiodivERsA project scientists and BiodivERsA members to learn more about NBS through discussions with policy makers and a range of stakeholders (funders, NGOs, practitioners,…), and to set priorities for future research and management. These discussions also allowed to reflect on a typology for NBS, the added-value of the concept, and potential opportunities and risks. As such, BiodivERsA is helping to create the knowledge base needed to better inform the NBS debate, and help supply innovative solutions (i.e. innovate with nature) for the grand challenges societies are currently facing.
To further explore how the ERA could contribute to bridge the gap between research and innovation focusing on NBS, BiodivERsA and DG Research & Innovation jointly organized an informal workshop (promoted as Green Week side event) on June 2, in the Belgian Science Policy Office – Brussels. The workshop attracted various types of stakeholders (regional, national and EU policy makers; funding bodies; European networks and platforms; natural and social scientists; conservation organisations; private sector and consultants) representing 7 European countries (both mainland and overseas). The scene was set by four keynotes presenting the topic from the perspective of DG Research and Innovation (by Kurt Vandenberghe, Director Climate Action and Resource Efficiency, DG R&I), BiodivERsA (by Xavier Le Roux, CEO and coordinator), the Private Sector (by Marta Fernandez, ARUP) and scientists (Ricardo Teixeira, Terraprima Portugal). Whereas the two former presentations mainly touched on the various challenges, opportunities and threats ahead, the two latter nicely illustrated the power and benefits of innovating with nature. Subsequent discussions with the audience specifically focused on the role (impact) of scientific research, the need of a systemic approach, the ways to capitalize on existing knowledge and concepts (like ecosystem services and natural capital), the role of overseas countries and territories, and the needs to illustrate the benefits of NBS. The potential of existing EU and Member States instruments and infrastructures was also briefly touched on, further underlining the strategic role that a funding network like BiodivERsA could play in bridging the gap between research and innovation.
Kurt Vandenberghe, Director Climate Action and Resource Efficiency, DG R&I, presenting the challenges and opportunities of NBS
Ricardo Texeira, Terraprima Portugal, presenting the opportunities for research offered by NBS
The four keynotes during the discussion with the audeince [From left to right: Marta Fernandez (ARUP); Kurt Vandenberghe (DG R&I); Xavier Le Roux (BiodivERsA Coordinator); Ricardo Texeira (Terraprima)]