Ecosystem service provision from coupled plant and microbial functional diversity in grasslands: current status and scenarios under changed climate and managementCallTotal Grant € 1,190,100 Consortium partners Laboratory of Alpine Ecology, CNRS/University of Grenoble/University of Savoie, France Coordinator: Sandra Lavorel Laboratory of Microbial Ecology of Lyon, CNRS/INRA/ University Lyon1, France Institute of Fundamental and Applied Biology,…


The Functionality of Ecological Networks and Landscape Management Approaches for Species ConservationCallTotal Grant € 626,781 Consortium partners Institute of Systematics, Evolution and Biodiversity, CNRS/MNHN, France Coordinator: Michel Baguette Evolutionary Ecology Group, University of Wurzburg, Germany Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK Experimental Ecology Centre of Moulis, CNRS, France Objectives In a context…


Risk Assessment of Chytridiomycosis to European amphibian biodiversityCallTotal Grant € 1,569,444 Consortium partners School of Public Health, Imperial College London, UK — Coordinator: Matthew C. Fisher Institute of Zoology, Zooligcal Society of London, UK Experimental Ecology Centre of Moulis, CNRS, France Laboratory of Alpine Ecology, CNRS/University of Grenoble/University of Savoie, France Helmholtz Centre for Environmental…


Nitrogen Pollution and Climate Change Threaten Peatland Biodiversity and BiogeochemistryCallTotal Grant € 1,509,140 Consortium partners Dept. of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Coordinator: Nancy Dise Dept. of bioogy and Evolution, University of Ferrara, Italy Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Bayreuth, Germany Dept. of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Linköping University, Sweden Dept. of…


Tree Genetic Variability Can Improve Ecological Responses to Environmental Changes in Forest EcosystemsCallTotal Grant € 1,174,433 Consortium partners Forest Research Centre, INIA, Spain Coordinator: Santiago Gonzalez-Martinez Desertification Research Centre, CSIC/University of Valencia, Spain Biodiversity, Genes and Communities Unit (BIOGECO), INRA/University of Bordeaux, France Ecology of Mediterranean Forests Unit (URFM), France Faculty of Biology, Philipps-University of…


Fire management to maintain biodiversity and mitigate economic loss in forests and heathlands in EuropeCallTotal Grant € 1,628,709 Consortium partners School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK Coordinator: Richard Bradshaw Swedish Forest Society Foundation (Skogssällskapet), Sweden Peak District National Park Authority, UK Institute of Evolution Sciences of Montpellier, CNRS/ IRD, France Faculty of Economic…


Cascading Effects of Climate Change and Land Use on Cyclic Herbivores and Preda- tors of Conservation ConcernCallTotal Grant € 1,249,279 Consortium partners Population Ecology Research Group, University of Aberdeen, UK Coordinator: Xavier Lambin Dept. of Arctic and Marine Biology, University of Tromsø, Norway Institute of Research in Game Resources, CSIC/UCLM, Spain Chizé Centre for Biological Studies,…


How and where will tree species survive increasing pressure: providing diagnostic and decision-making tools to attenuate the effect of global change on biodiversity in the Congo Basin forestsCallTotal Grant € 1,319,412 Consortium partners Tropical Forest Goods and Ecosystem Services, CIRAD, France — Coordinator: Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury Gembloux AgroBioTech, Liège University, Belgium Institute of Evolution Sciences of…


Impacts of Climate and Land Management Changes on Grassland Insects, and Adaptive Management Practices for their ConservationCallTotal Grant € 1,202,183 Consortium partners Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany — Coordinator: Josef Settele Dept. of Zoology, University of Oxford, UK (Co- Coordinator: Jeremy Thomas) Dept. of Physical Geography and Ecosystems Science, Lund University, Sweden NERC Centre…


Understanding and Better Forecasting the Impact of Climate Change on Mammals by Integrating Ancient DNA analysis and Ecological ModellingCallTotal Grant € 843, 595 Consortium partners School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, UK Coordinator: Ian Barnes Dept. of Evolution, Genomics and Systematics, Uppsala University, Sweden Dept.of Biology, University of Tromsø, Norway Objectives Forecasts accounting for…