European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA 2021)

When 2021-05-27 13:30 to 2021-05-27 16:00 Location Belgium Participate in the webinar on “Nature as a solution for resilience, mitigation and sustainable development”! BiodivERsA co-organises an online webinar on nature-based solutions together with the DG Environment, the European Research Executive Agency, ICLEI and NetworkNature and the Aarhus University with the REGREEN project.  This webinar, led…

Biodiversity and Climate Change, learn more about our 21 funded research projects!

Release of the brochure presenting our 2019-2020 Joint Call Discover the results of our 2019-2020 Joint Call for research projects on Biodiversity and Climate Change, through our just released brochure on the call. 34 funding organisations from 25 countries participated in this call, and 21 projects demonstrating both scientific excellence and societal / policy relevance…

Joint BiodivERsA / JPI Climate Strategic WS

13th of April 2021 Although the link between biodiversity and climate change has been known for a long time, there have been limited exchanges or collaborations between the different research communities. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that climate change and biodiversity loss are closely interlinked and should be tackled together. Climate change has…

Kick-off 2018-2019 research projects

December 2020 On the 15th of December 2020, BiodivERsA organised the virtual kick-off of the research projects funded under its 2018-2019 Joint Call on ‘biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health’. 10 projects were funded through this joint call for a total of 11.8M€, including 9 collaborative research projects and 1 synthesis research…

When forest takes over

Seizing opportunities for cost-effective benefits in natural forest expansion Since 1950, Europe has experienced the greatest proportional gain in tree cover of all continents, expanding by some 300,000 km2, an area the size of Italy. This gain in forest cover is driven by active tree planting and through natural forest expansion, both mainly taking place…

Discover the results of our call “Biodiversity and climate change”

21 transnational projects recommended for funding for over 25Mio€! In the context of its BiodivClim COFUND Action, BiodivERsA launched in September 2019 a joint call to support research on “Biodiversity and climate change”. The call was co-funded by the European Commission and covered four non-exclusive themes: Consequences of climate change on biodiversity and nature’s contributions…

Launch of the call “Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity”

`{`NB: the call includes a focus on aquatic systems but all environments are eligible`}` BiodivERsA and the Water JPI are pleased to announce the publication of their joint call on the following topic: Conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and their biodiversity, including a focus on aquatic systems.    *** This call will cover the following three non-exclusive themes: Studying…