2015-05-18 00:00 to 2015-05-20 00:00
Together with the European Commission and under the auspices of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, ALTER-Net will host an international conference on Nature-Based Solutions. Relevant to research in many disciplines and communities, to EU policies and to practitioners, ‘Nature and Urban Wellbeing’ offers rich possibilities to share, learn and connect.
The emerging concept of Nature-Based Solutions offers a lot of possibilities regarding ecological quality, human health and wellbeing in urban environment.
The international conference “Nature and Urban Wellbeing: Nature-Based Solutions to Societal Challenges” will explore this concept and some questions it raises.
Contributions should be sent by e-mail by the 14th of February, 2014 to the following contact persons:
- Finnish Environment Institute : Sanna-Riikka Saarela (sanna-riikka.saarela@ymparisto.fi) and Timo Assmuth (timo.assmuth@ymparisto.fi)
- Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) : Hans Keune (hans.keune@inbo.be) and Tessa van Santen (tessa.vanSanten@inbo.be)
Sanna-Riikka Saarela & Timo Assmuth, (SYKE, Finland)
Email:sanna-riikka.saarela@ymparisto.fi / timo.assmuth@ymparisto.fi
Hans Keune & Tessa Van Santen (INBO, Belgium)
Email: hans.keune@inbo.be / tessa.vanSanten@inbo.be
– See more at: http://www.alter-net.info/outputs/conf-2015/call#sthash.mjMMv9y9.dpuf
More information are available on the Alter-net website
The flyer presenting the aims and an indicative programme of the conference can be downloaded here
Participants attending the meeting in person are cordially invited to the cocktail reception on the evening of November 8th.