Biodiversa+ is seeking a service provider to conduct an evidence synthesis on the topic. The service provider will be subcontracted by the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB), which is leading the subtask 4.1.2 “Desk Studies and Production of Knowledge Syntheses” under the objective “Connecting R&I Programs, Results and Experts to Policy” of the Biodiversa+ Partnership.
This desk study aims to evaluate methods for assessing the impact of Protected Areas (PAs) and networks of PAs on conservation across various dimensions of biodiversity monitoring, including remote sensing, citizen science, and conventional field monitoring. Possible secondary questions are: How can biodiversity monitoring support the evaluation of PAs and what are the missing biodiversity monitoring schemes (especially at transnational scale) to objectively measure this effectiveness? How can measuring effectiveness be standardized and/or improved across scales? What are the methods most widely used to assess PA effectiveness?
For more details, read the specifications of this desk study.
Apply to this call before 27 January 2024, 23h59 CET.
All applications must:
- be in English;
- follow the provided application form;
- be sent by email to Joseph LANGRIDGE ( with Cécile MANDON ( in copy.
The FRB will finalize the selection of the service provider by February 6th, 2023.