The Radboud Centre for Sustainability Challenges (RCSC) is hosting the 2023 Earth System Governance (ESG) conference from 24 to 26 October 2023, on the theme “Bridging Sciences and Societies for Sustainability Transformations“. Interested? Submit your abstract or panel proposal by 15 February 2023!
More so than earlier ESG conferences, this edition will have a focus on inter- and transdisciplinarity. The conference organisers therefore particularly invite research teams and researchers from different scientific disciplines to contribute to the conference in inter- and/or transdisciplinary panel sessions or to innovative sessions. Individuals working on the following topics are welcome:
- humanities,
- natural sciences,
- social sciences,
- practitioners (e.g., policy makers, civil society, business actors, citizens groups) working on specific sustainability challenges.
Interested? The ESG conference welcomes proposals for:
- Individual papers,
- Full panels,
- Innovative sessions,
- Youth dialogues (organised in the run-up to the conference).
Submit your abstract or full panel by 15 February 2023!