Biodiversa+, through the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) has opened a call for tenders. We are looking for a service provider to carry out a literature review on the capacity of NBS to foster transformative change for the sustainable use and management of biodiversity in socio-ecological systems.
Through its subtask “Desk studies and production of knowledge syntheses” for Biodiversa+, the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) is subcontracting a service provider to develop a evidence synthesis on the state of knowledge on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) as agent of transformative change for the sustainable use and management of biodiversity.
Interested? Apply to this call for tenders before 27 January 2023, 23h59 CET. Read the specifications and requirements of this desk study.
All applications should be submitted in English and sent by email to Joseph LANGRIDGE ( with Cécile MANDON ( in copy
The service provider will be selected on 6 February, 2023.
Download the tender specifications and submit your application before 27 January, 23:59 CET.