October 2009
from EPBRS‘s website
A contribution of EPBRS to the discussions on a Network of Networks or Network of Knowledge in the context of an Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
For the past 4 years, scientists and policy makers round the globe have been discussing the creation of an intergovernmental group on biodiversity changes , first in the Consultative Process Towards an International Mechanism Of Scientific Expertise on Biodiversity (IMOSEB) and more recently in an ad hoc Intergovernmental and Multi-Stakeholder Meeting on an Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
During IMOSEB, Europeans were among those consulted. The report of this European workshop states that “The preferred option [for a new mechanism on scientific expertise] was some form of a network of networks.”
During the IPBES meeting, the question was asked, “but what is a network of networks?” An expert group established by the EPBRS has produced a draft Concept Note in early 2009 that goes into some detail on the concept of such a network. This draft was used as basis for discussions at the EPBRS workshop on a Network of Knowledge for Biodiversity held in Brussels on the 6th of May 2009 . The results of this meeting of more than 100 experts from Europe and beyond was used by EPBRS in revising this concept note, but it is not to be understood as a consensus from the participants of the workshop.
Concept Note on a Network of Knowledge revised version of September 10 2009 (pdf)
Report of the Workshop on a Network of Knowledge: A contribution from Europe (pdf)