In view of the upcoming Transformative Change Assessment of the IPBES, the scientific journal Biodiversity and Conservation is preparing a special issue on how such transformative change can help achieve the 2050 vision of biodiversity.
The journal Biodiversity and Conservation invite interested individuals to submit a short synopsis of a topic they would like to write as a review, original research article, commentary or a short communication for this special issue to be published before the IPBES-9 plenary likely planned at the end of 2023. Students and Early Career Researchers are also encouraged to submit a short synopsis of their topic for consideration in this special issue.
This issue will be edited by Dirk S. Schmeller, from EcoLab at the Université de Toulouse, France, and by Peter Bridgewater, from the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre of Sheffield Hallam University.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 30, 2022
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