A new BiodivERsA Policy Brief published!

Briefing “Conservation of small mammals and associated ecosystems“ now available! BiodivERsA partners are pleased to announce the publication of a new BiodivERsA policy briefs. The work, coordinated on behalf of BiodivERsA by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, has procured IUCN Europe – Brussels, to act as interpreters/intermediaries in the dissemination of key BiodivERsA-funded research results…

Two new Policy briefs published!

The “Nitrogen pollution and climate change carbon storage and biodiversity of peatlands“ and the “Adaptation of trees and forests to climate change: the importance of genetic variability” policy briefs are now available BiodivERsA partners are pleased to announce the publication of a new BiodivERsA policy briefs. The work, coordinated on behalf of BiodivERsA by the…