The AlienScenarios and GLOBAM projects wins the 6th edition of the Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact

The AlienScenarios project has conducted a pioneering study on potential future scenarios of biological invasions in the 21st century. By combining scenario planning and advanced modeling techniques, researchers examined the impact of biological invasions on the environment and human well-being in both the midterm (2050) and long-term (2100).


These scenarios have been demonstrated to be crucial both for understanding, predicting, preparing for the future, and for communicating to the stakeholders, policy makers, and general public about these major drivers of global change. The project evaluated the effectiveness of regulations aimed at managing invasive species and quantified the economic costs associated with these invasions. AlienScenarios has also explored strategies for adapting to and managing invasive species through policy.

The GloBAM project has studied the movements of birds, insects and bats in global airspace and their ecological implications. Using weather radar data, the project quantified migratory patterns in Europe and North America, exploring the drivers of the animals’ movements and abundances.


This groundbreaking approach shed new light on the impacts of climate change, urbanisation, wind energy installations, and habitat fragmentation on migrating birds, insects and bats. GloBAM also made significant advancements in using weather radars for biodiversity monitoring, expanding its applications for scientists, policymakers, and the public. The project’s findings contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and support conservation efforts in the airspace.

The ENABLE and SPONFOREST projects win the 5th edition of the Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact

The ENABLE project investigated the factors that influence the realization of green and blue infrastructure potential for a better living environment in cities. Focusing on the role of infrastructures, institutions, and perceptions, ENABLE used social and environmental justice together with resilience to assess the generation and distribution of ecosystem service benefits. The framework, developed by the researchers in consultation and collaboration with local stakeholders, was tested and applied in multiple European cities and offer a new baseline for understanding and unlocking green and blue infrastructure potential in urban areas.

The project was funded under the 2015-2016 joint call “Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context: the cases of soils and sediments, and land- river and sea-scapes” for research proposals. The ENABLE project has been awarded the opportunity to present their work in an animated video as part of the BiodivERsA Prize for Excellence and Impact.

The Belgian Biodiversity Platform led the production of this video, along with the ENABLE project researchers, BiodivERsA, and the motion design studio Squarefish.

Researchers from the SPONFOREST project have studied spontaneous forest regrowth in abandoned European farmland areas to evaluate its potential for creating diverse and resilient forests. Examining five representative landscapes in southwestern Europe, they have shown that new forests can generate rapidly and offer important ecosystem services. Their findings showcase that spontaneous forest regrowth can be a credible and effective option for restoring healty and diverse forests in Europe, thereby complementing active tree planting and other land use options.

The project was funded under the 2015-2016 joint call “Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context: the cases of soils and sediments, and land- river and sea-scapes” for research proposals. The SPNFOREST project has been awarded the opportunity to present their work in an animated video as part of the Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact.

The Belgian Biodiversity Platform led the production of this video, along with the SPONFOREST project researchers, Biodiversa, and the motion design studio Squarefish.

The TALE project wins the 4th edition of the Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact

In early 2021, Biodiversa released its fourth animated video presenting the results of the TALE research project.

The project was funded under the 2013-2014 joint call “Promoting synergies and reducing trade-offs between food supply, biodiversity and ecosystem services” for research proposals. The TALE project has been awarded the opportunity to present their work in an animated video as part of the Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact.

The project investigated the potential conflicts and possible synergies between agricultural ecosystem services and biodiversity through the development of land use scenarios and optimisation models. The prize acknowledges the excellent, pioneering research performed in TALE.

The Belgian Biodiversity Platform led the production of this video, along with the TALE project researchers, Biodiversa, FACCE-JPI, and the motion design studio Squarefish.

The INVAXEN project wins the 3rd Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact

In 2020, Biodiversa released its third animated video presenting the results of the INVAXEN research project.

The project was funded under the 2012-13 joint call for research proposals on invasive species and biological invasions. Following the URBES project, and the BUFFER project, the INVAXEN project has been awarded the opportunity to present their work in an animated video as part of the Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact.

The project studied the biology, ecology, and behaviour of the highly invasive African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) – which is of increasing concern in Europe – as well as its impact on local populations and its invasive potential. Their observations allowed them to develop models to predict future invasion patterns in different areas of the world. Through collaborations with local actors and stakeholders, they shared and exchanged knowledge on the frog to improve management practices for conservation purposes on the field. The project has a pan-European dimension and may serve as a model for the study of invasive vertebrate species.

The Belgian Biodiversity Platform & Biodiversa led the production of this video, along with the INVAXEN project researchers and the video production company, Squarefish.

The BUFFER project wins the 2nd Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact

In 2019, Biodiversa released its second animated video presenting the results of the BUFFER research project!

The project was funded under the 2011-12 Biodiversa joint call on “Biodiversity Dynamics: Developing scenarios, identifying tipping points and improving resilience”.

The BUFFER project has been awarded the opportunity to present their work in an animated video as part of the BiodivERsA Prize for Excellence and Impact. This prize acknowledges the excellent, pioneering research performed in BUFFER.

The project developed a new Regulation-Based Classification System for Marine Protected Areas. This system was already adopted by major international organisations as well as local management authorities.

The Belgian Biodiversity Platform & Biodiversa led the production of this video, along with the BUFFER project coordinator Joachim Claudet and the video production company, Squarefish.

The URBES project wins the 1st Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact

The URBES project (BiodivERsA 2010-2011 call) has been awarded the opportunity to present their work in animated video part of the first Biodiversa Prize for Excellence and Impact.This prize acknowledges the excellent, pioneering research performed in URBES. The project demonstrated, for the first time at this scale, the importance and value of ecosystem services and nature-based solutions provided by urban biodiversity in European cities, enabling authorities to work with these concepts part of their urban planning strategies.

The Belgian Biodiversity Platform led the production of this video part of Biodiversa, along with URBES researchers and the Belgian video production company, Squarefish.